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Showing category "For Baby" (Show all posts)

Cloud B - Restoring a Peaceful Night's Sleep, One Baby at a Time

Posted by Robin . on Thursday, June 17, 2010, In : For Baby 

A friend of mine has been having some problems lately with her one year old sleeping through the night, rather, not sleeping through the night. She's been at her wit's end and has tried so many things but, the little one just gave up on sleeping through the night. About a week ago, I gave her a Sleep Sheep & Friends™ Aroma Pillow from Cloud B.

She called me two days later to gush about how amazing the pillow is. After weeks of sleepless nights, she put the pillow in her son's crib the night...
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Boudreaux's Butt Paste

Posted by Robin Haws on Wednesday, May 5, 2010, In : For Baby 

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Boudreaux's Butt Paste. All opinions are 100% mine.

I remember when my oldest was a baby. The point came, as it does for every mother, when I had to deal with diaper rash. It can be a rough thing to deal with. Some babies get diaper rash so bad that you just ache for them.

There are certainly tons of different options for parents to choose from when it comes to diaper rash treatments. I went through them all. Honestly, I never really cared fo...
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Sprout Shell

Posted by Robin Haws on Thursday, February 18, 2010, In : For Baby 
A proper covering for an infant car seat is, in my book, somewhat of a necessity. I cannot count how many times I had to throw a blanket over my babies' seats to keep them out of the rain, cold, wind, sun, etc. Those blankets never stay put though. When I first saw the company Sprout Shell and the products they offer, I thought they looked super cute and useful.

Sprout Shell brings you an infant car seat cover that is not only cute but, unbelievably versatile as well. When I received a Sprout...
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Scandinavian Child

Posted by Robin Haws on Thursday, December 10, 2009, In : For Baby 
Scandinavian Child is a company started by a mom who knew the importance of products that are designed to be safe for children without compromising beauty. While on a trip to Sweden, the owner of this amazing company saw for the first time one of the products that she would eventually end up making available to so many more parents. How lucky for us that she saw the Svan high chair and decided to share what she had found.

The products at Scandinavian Child are beyond exquisite. Every brand ca...
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Dressy Dribbles

Posted by Robin Haws on Wednesday, December 9, 2009, In : For Baby 
Thank goodness for moms who start businesses. As moms, so many of us have those little (and big) ideas for things that would make our lives as parents easier. Sometimes there are moms that not only have those amazing ideas but, they see them through. Luckily, the two smart mommies behind Dressy Dribbles took their ideas and ran with them.

Dressy Dribbles offers car seat covers for infant and toddler car seats that are stylish, easily removed and reversible. I've used car seats covers before an...
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Nursery Style from Serena & Lily

Posted by Robin Haws on Monday, November 30, 2009, In : For Baby 
There's something that happens to a woman when she's pregnant. It's a phenomena that creates an urge to design a space that is a haven for the pending bundle of joy. The desire to "nest" inevitably hits new parents and the nursery dreaming begins. Serena & Lily takes the dreams of new parents and presents them in beautifully created collections of furniture, bedding, gifts and necessary gear.

A nursery needn't be looked at as a diaper-changing, baby-napping, toy-storing room of the house. Thi...
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Rich Frog

Posted by Robin Haws on Tuesday, September 22, 2009, In : For Baby 
Rich Frog Industries is a wonderful company that I came across recently. I first laid eyes on Rick the Frog and just had to see what other cute items they had to offer. I was not disappointed.

This award winning company creates a number of soft toys for children, adorable bathtoys, the cutest pull toys I've ever seen and truly amazing mobiles. The stackable toys are made from soft velour and cotton and have the crinkly collar that babies love. I love the idea of the bouncy mobiles and adore t...
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Boogie Wipes Review

Posted by Robin Haws on Thursday, July 9, 2009, In : For Baby 
I used to work in a daycare. Anyone who's ever worked in one or been in one knows that daycares and schools are the homes of some of the snottiest noses around. I was constantly wiping noses. No matter how soft, tissue eventually leads to irritation and can never get the really stubborn boogies! Like most moms, I've often used baby wipes on my own kids faces. I always disliked it, but arriving at your destination only to find your perfectly clean child now has a boogie stained face...well, th...
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Snoogie Seat Review

Posted by Robin Haws on Tuesday, July 7, 2009, In : For Baby 
When my daughter was an infant we had all the seating for babies. She spent time in her baby papason chair, boucy seat, bumbo and with a nursing pillow and blanket on the floor. I had problems with all of them. Putting her flat on the floor always seemed uncomfortable and the nursing pillow seemed really awkward on her neck. The bumbo was far too unsafe for her neck until she was much older. The chair and the seats were fine but a little high off the ground and way too unsturdy to set anywher...
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Z. Daisy Binkie Bungee

Posted by Robin Haws on Wednesday, July 1, 2009, In : For Baby 
Z. Daisy offers unique baby gifts like the Binkie Bungee™ (Pacifier Clip), Blankie Bungees™ (Blanket Clips) and Baby Travel Blankets! Your baby will love to snuggle with these plush fabrics.

The Binkie Bungee is a must have for all Binkie Babies! How many times have you picked that pacifier off the floor? Keep it close to baby while making a fashion statement!
Not only are these super useful but they are super adorable!

Z. Daisy was nice enough to send me a Binkie Bungee to check out. Serio...

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Product Reviews by Robin Haws is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

Based on a work at lolidots.com.


I  received products to review from all the companies shown on this page. The products are for review purposes and the companies do not influence my reviews. My opinions are my own and I am not compensated for favorable reviews.