My son is very skinny. It's always a challenge to find pants that are long enough but, fit him around the waist. My daughter doesn't have a problem with pants fitting her waist but, like lots of toddlers, she can generally be seen with the pants snug at the tummy and hanging halfway down her bottom. Both children usually need a belt. This can pose a problem at times. My son is very independant and gets frustrated with belts when he is getting dressed or using the restroom. My daughter just isn't capable enough yet to fasten normal belts. When I came across C. Belly Belts I instantly knew our problems may be a thing of the past.

I will be honest with you, I was wary of how the C. Belly Belts would work and how they would hold up to my rambunctious children. How do they work? Really quite simply. The velcro faces out and you thread the belt through the loops but, you don't cross the button/snap in the front of the pants. The two free ends that stick out in front are then reversed and you pull it tight and secure the velcro. The concept completely works. The pants stay on and the belts look adorable.

My daughter has a pair of pants that just will not stay pulled up over her rear. They are, however, my favorite of her jeans. She wore them the other day with her flower C. Belly Belt and I was amazed that after wearing it all day, through a shopping trip and the car seat and even a nap, at the end of the day the belt and the pants were still comfortably sitting right where they should be. The belts don't turn and the buckles don't bother their tummies when they sit down. It's easy to undo pant buttons and use the restroom or change diapers. On top of all the wonderful conveniences, the belts are so very cute and come in tons of amazing styles.

I love the flower belt that my daughter has because it goes with almost everything in her closet. My son, who normally wouldn't enjoy having a shirt tucked in, really likes to show off his skull belt. I think that even a child who doesn't enjoy belts would like these because of their fun designs and the ability to let a child be even more independant. Because they are so easy to use you can simply leave the belts attached to the pants and children can feel really grown up getting dressed on their own.

C. Belly Belts would make perfect gifts during the holiday season, for birthdays or even for that special kid in your life that is starting school. C. Belly Belts has some great value packs so you can get plenty of belts for all outfits. I recommend C. Belly Belts to anyone who has kids.