Phew. This week kinda flew by, eh? Snappy's bday Monday was capped off with ice cream and grandparents (and a few gifts we had managed to hold on to). She had a great time. I don't think she was expecting the little celebration because we had already had the party. In true Snappy form, when she was handed the first present to open she said, "Wait. Get the camera." That should be written on our family crest.

Yesterday I had a photoshoot with the cutest little family. It was a blast. They own tons of cotton fields near here so we got to head out there and take some really fun pics. Their little girl was just way too cute. Here's a few of my faves.

This afternoon we are headed over to the school to meet TRex's new kindergarten teacher! We're all very excited about that. We've been hearing some wonderful things about her and I know that TRex is really going to like her. In the past month he has gone from not wanting to talk about school to saying he is "very excited" to go on Monday. Hopefully that excitement holds! I'm ready for him to start school but, fully prepared for the Monday morning waterworks. Probably more from me than from him. Don't worry, there will definitely be the obligatory first day of school pics coming next week.

I hope you all have a great weekend ahead of you. For those who's summer vacay is coming to an end, hopefully you can squeeze in some last minute fun time. Hopefully we can! I've got plans to work on my kitchen remodeling this weekend. I really hope to be done soon. The counters are almost finished and I'll be working on the cabinets and the mess I've made of them thus far. Hopefully the painting gods will be smiling down upon me.

Catch ya on the flip side!