Ultimate Blog Party
Posted by Robin Haws on Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Well, as usual, I'm a day late and a dollar short but, I'm finally getting around to joining the huge Blog Party over at Five Minutes for Mom!

If you've stumbled on this post from the 5 Minutes for Mom site, Welcome! I'm so glad you're here! If you're here because you're a regular reader, Woot! I'm glad you're back!
I'm excited to start browsing through the gazillion posts over at the Ultimate Blog Party and meet some new bloggers!
First, let me introduce myself...(and now the Humpty Dance song from the 90s is in my head)
If you got that reference then either you are as awesome as I am or we're both totally lame for remembering the lyrics to songs like that.
I'm Robin!

I'm a stay at home mom to two amazing kiddos. TRex is my superhero loving, ninja fighting, video game playing oldest child. He's turning 6 this summer and I'm still in denial. Snappy is my chock full of attitude, pink nail loving, baby doll playing, candy consuming little girl who will be 3 this summer. Though, you'd think she's turning 16.

I'm married to an amazing man who is referred to here as 0007. He's our rock, the best Daddy ever and definitely my soul mate and best friend.

We live in a teeny Texas town that I refer to as Mayberry.
I'm Texan through and through. Born and raised. Though I've laid my head down in other places, Texas has always been my home. I say "y'all", "fixin' to", "howdy" and drop the g from all of my "ing" ending words when I'm talkin'.
I'm constantly trying to find my footing as a mom, housewife and now, blogger. I learn a bit everyday and try to remember that, as 0007 says, "Today is the first time I've done today."
I'm sarcastic, can have a fairly dry sense of humor, love coffee, talk too loud most of the time, love my friends and family more than anything, am addicted to Lost and The Sopranos, love Italian food, try to do something "crafty" every day, am addicted to rearranging my house, curse a little too much and have realized that I'm a girly girl that loves the color pink.
I am a child of the 80s and love to talk about and relive the tv, music, movies, toys and sayings that I grew up with.
Like, gag me with a spoon!
I like to keep things light on my blog but, that nagging voice in my head keeps telling me to delve deeper so, you may see more of that in the future if you happen over here again. I can often be found on BlogFrog speaking my mind, perhaps too much at times!
I really never thought I'd get this "into" blogging. I certainly never imagined the true friends I could make because of it. I feel so lucky to have met some amazing people as a result of this little blogging venture that started as a way to get more traffic to my boutique and has turned into a true outlet for me and something I hope will continue for a very long time.
I'm also incredibly lucky in that I'm able to host some pretty amazing giveaways. They are always separate from this main portion of the blog so, if you're feelin' lucky, head over to my Giveaway page and enter to win some awesome stuff! I'm passionate about only showcasing companies and products that I approve of. I truly love to be able to let people know about products and companies and give my thoughts on them.
So, that's a little of me. I do have a few vlogs on here, as well! I got dragged kicking and screaming into doing my first vlog and now I really love it. I've been doing them on Fridays recently so, stop by for that fun meme from Mama M!
Ok, you regular readers are probably bored stiff by now. Back to your regularly scheduled programming.
And you newbies....Y'all come back now, ya hear?!
One last thing, the Ultimate Blog Party is having some Ultimate Prizes!
I'm itchin' to win:
US40- One winner will receive a 3 day 2 night stay from Holiday Inn Main Gate East in Kissimmee, FL (less than 2 miles from Disney World) a value of $250.
Provided by: Holiday Inn Main Gate
US39 -Be My Guest certificate ($250 value) for one lucky winner, (2 night stay for a family of four) at any Hilton Garden Inn.
Provided by: Hilton Garden Inn
Can you tell I need a vacay?
I'd also love to win:
US95 – $100 Gift Certificate to Restaurant.com – Choose from over 13,000 restaurants nationwide – redeem online and print your gift certificate(s).
Provided by: Thrifty Jinxy
Or, from the US list, in no particular order: 31, 32, 37, 49, 52, 73, 104, 112, 114
Or any of the other awesome prizes they are giving out!

If you've stumbled on this post from the 5 Minutes for Mom site, Welcome! I'm so glad you're here! If you're here because you're a regular reader, Woot! I'm glad you're back!
I'm excited to start browsing through the gazillion posts over at the Ultimate Blog Party and meet some new bloggers!
First, let me introduce myself...(and now the Humpty Dance song from the 90s is in my head)
If you got that reference then either you are as awesome as I am or we're both totally lame for remembering the lyrics to songs like that.
I'm Robin!

I'm a stay at home mom to two amazing kiddos. TRex is my superhero loving, ninja fighting, video game playing oldest child. He's turning 6 this summer and I'm still in denial. Snappy is my chock full of attitude, pink nail loving, baby doll playing, candy consuming little girl who will be 3 this summer. Though, you'd think she's turning 16.

I'm married to an amazing man who is referred to here as 0007. He's our rock, the best Daddy ever and definitely my soul mate and best friend.

We live in a teeny Texas town that I refer to as Mayberry.
I'm Texan through and through. Born and raised. Though I've laid my head down in other places, Texas has always been my home. I say "y'all", "fixin' to", "howdy" and drop the g from all of my "ing" ending words when I'm talkin'.
I'm constantly trying to find my footing as a mom, housewife and now, blogger. I learn a bit everyday and try to remember that, as 0007 says, "Today is the first time I've done today."
I'm sarcastic, can have a fairly dry sense of humor, love coffee, talk too loud most of the time, love my friends and family more than anything, am addicted to Lost and The Sopranos, love Italian food, try to do something "crafty" every day, am addicted to rearranging my house, curse a little too much and have realized that I'm a girly girl that loves the color pink.
I am a child of the 80s and love to talk about and relive the tv, music, movies, toys and sayings that I grew up with.
Like, gag me with a spoon!
I like to keep things light on my blog but, that nagging voice in my head keeps telling me to delve deeper so, you may see more of that in the future if you happen over here again. I can often be found on BlogFrog speaking my mind, perhaps too much at times!
I really never thought I'd get this "into" blogging. I certainly never imagined the true friends I could make because of it. I feel so lucky to have met some amazing people as a result of this little blogging venture that started as a way to get more traffic to my boutique and has turned into a true outlet for me and something I hope will continue for a very long time.
I'm also incredibly lucky in that I'm able to host some pretty amazing giveaways. They are always separate from this main portion of the blog so, if you're feelin' lucky, head over to my Giveaway page and enter to win some awesome stuff! I'm passionate about only showcasing companies and products that I approve of. I truly love to be able to let people know about products and companies and give my thoughts on them.
So, that's a little of me. I do have a few vlogs on here, as well! I got dragged kicking and screaming into doing my first vlog and now I really love it. I've been doing them on Fridays recently so, stop by for that fun meme from Mama M!
Ok, you regular readers are probably bored stiff by now. Back to your regularly scheduled programming.
And you newbies....Y'all come back now, ya hear?!
One last thing, the Ultimate Blog Party is having some Ultimate Prizes!
I'm itchin' to win:
US40- One winner will receive a 3 day 2 night stay from Holiday Inn Main Gate East in Kissimmee, FL (less than 2 miles from Disney World) a value of $250.
Provided by: Holiday Inn Main Gate
US39 -Be My Guest certificate ($250 value) for one lucky winner, (2 night stay for a family of four) at any Hilton Garden Inn.
Provided by: Hilton Garden Inn
Can you tell I need a vacay?
I'd also love to win:
US95 – $100 Gift Certificate to Restaurant.com – Choose from over 13,000 restaurants nationwide – redeem online and print your gift certificate(s).
Provided by: Thrifty Jinxy
Or, from the US list, in no particular order: 31, 32, 37, 49, 52, 73, 104, 112, 114
Or any of the other awesome prizes they are giving out!
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