A Resolutioning We Will Go...

December 31, 2009
**Of course "resolutioning" is a word. My spell checker just doesn't know what it's talking about. It's a word. I made it up just now.

I don't like making New Year's Resolutions. I don't think I've ever made a serious one and attempted in the slightest to keep it. I'm a procrastinator and would way rather not set myself up for that kind of failure!


After some dragging of my feet and rolling of my eyes...

I guess I'll turn my gaze inward and see if I can find anything that needs work or change. This will be hard because I'm pretty close to perfect! ;-)

I really need to stop yelling. If this were a meeting I would be standing up and saying "Hello, my name is Robin and I'm a yeller." I yell a lot. Not even angry yelling all the time. Just yelling. Loud talking. My husband is constantly telling me to stop yelling even when I don't think that I am yelling. I yell at the kids to stop yelling at me from their rooms. Really? How freaking confusing am I as a mom? The thing is, I know I yell. I know it's terrible. I know I hate it and so does my family. I know that the reason my kids yell is because their insane mom yells. A lot of my yelling is from straight up old-fashioned impatience. Oh, my impatience. But, that's for a different resolution. I can't say I'll do wonderfully at nixing the yelling. I can't say I'll make it very long without yelling. I will say that I really would like to stop doing it. And, since I'm blogging more these days, maybe I'll use the blog as my outlet to chronicle my journey in my anti-yelling resolution.

So, Resolution #1- Stop yelling. (or at least cut down on it!) This will be hard and if anyone out there has any tips or advice or can commiserate with me...please feel free!

As I already said, I'm impatient. Seriously, hurry up with your reading of this post! Just kidding. But, I am very impatient. And, how can I possibly ask my children to "Wait just one gosh darn minute" if I can't wait just a moment for them? Or for anything else for that matter! I really and truly have no idea how to become more patient but, this year seems to be a good one to start trying.

Resolution #2 - Be more patient.

I also have a problem of getting all irked over things that really aren't that big of a deal. I'm cringing and biting my lip because I just looked over at the living room where my hubby and kids are and have seen that the children have dumped a pile of stuffed animals on the floor. In my mind I'm imagining that if it looks like that here then what in the world must their rooms look like. The rooms that I just cleaned a little bit ago. Now, my husband would tell me that it's not a big deal. They are being kids. They are having fun. It is easily cleaned. Why I can't have that laid back attitude, I do not know. I want it though. I want to stop sweating the small stuff. Instead of freaking out about a mess I want to get down there and play and make the mess with them. Because, let's face it, that's what it's all about.

Resolution #3 - Relax and stop sweating the small stuff.

I'm sure that a resolution to stop procrastinating would be great but, I'll do that later!

So, those are the current resolutions. I'd really like to do these three, even if I don't add any others. Sure I'd like to be more active and do more things but, these three resolutions would really make home life happier for all four of us and that's a wonderful gift for myself and my family. I will try. Ok, how about this...

Resolution #4 - Try as hard as I can to fulfill Resolutions 1-3.

There. Done and done.

Happy New Year!!

"Off" day

December 29, 2009
Today has been a little abnormal for us. Hubby is home today while we wait for a plumber that has neither called nor shown up like he was supposed to over three hours ago.

So, we've had a day filled with pajamas, movies, tacos from the awesome place across the street, game playing, silliness and tons of extra "Daddy Time"!

Guess what! The plumber arrived when I was finishing this post. Hopefully I'll have good news about our bathrooms very soon!

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Overflowing with food, toys, love and noise

December 28, 2009
Well, we survived our Christmases. Yes, we had 6. Yes, it was a blast. Yes, we are exhausted!

Christmas Eve took us to my grandparents' house during the early afternoon. Stuffed and laden with presents, we left there to make a quick change of clothing at our house and then head to hubby's parents' house.

Once the kids had ripped into their scooters and other toys, we were off to hubby's big family Christmas. The food at that one is unbelievable. Seriously, the family is big but, there is alwa...
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Holiday Wishes

December 23, 2009
I hope everyone has an amazing Christmas! I'm gearing up for a day of reluctant cooking and baking while I'm nursing this dang cold. I'm hoping I'll wake up and feel miraculously better! We've got 3 days filled with 6 Christmases so I'm excited and already tired. With fun times for the holidays and big plans on the home front, I'm stoked for the coming weeks.

Merry Christmas from Texas Y'all!

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Not Me Monday

December 21, 2009
Totally doing my Not Me Monday post on Sunday night! Once it's Monday, head over to MckMama's blog and see what everyone else is NOT up to.

I did not drop a container of laundry detergent on my foot at the grocery store. Said box did not land with it's corner in the skinniest and most sensitive part of my foot. I did not almost cry at the checkout. I did not have to hobble around and wonder if it was broken for the entire day and night. (feeling better now!)

Snappy did not get the candy sp...
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Friday's Final Thoughts

December 19, 2009
I found a new blog the other day (and then found his wife's blog so I'm doubly happy) and am jumping on the bandwagon of a new meme(if that's the right word). Feel free to join me, head over to This Daddy's Blog and check it out, leave me a comment with a link to your post or, if you don't have a blog, leave me a comment with your Final Thoughts!

 Friday's Final Thoughts:
Of all the places the laundry detergent could have landed, why the corner of it on the top of the most sensitive part o...
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Christmas. Religion? Santa? Either? Neither?

December 16, 2009
I posted this in a thread over at Blog Frog and after I got going I realized I had so much to say that I wanted to share it here as well! Wordy? Who me? Never!

Jessica wanted to know how to handle conflicting beliefs in the family. Not just religious beliefs but, thoughts on Santa and other things as well. Here are my thoughts...

I think that while Christmas is technically a Christian holiday, it is and has become more of an American holiday. Meaning, I know plenty of people that aren't religio...

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Not Me Monday

December 14, 2009

Whew! I haven't done a Not Me Monday post in a while. You can check out other bloggers and what they have NOT been doing in the MckLinky on MckMama's blog.

I did not miss the concert I have been planning on going to since the first time I saw the commercial months ago. It's not like it was a Daughtry concert. Not like the opening band was one of my favorite bands. Not like it was something I've been looking forward to for months! I certainly did not cry every time hubby and mother-in-law texte...
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HP TouchSmart 600 PC

December 13, 2009
Some of my favorite bloggers have teamed up with HP and Blogher (gotta get on board with that!) and are giving away a new HP TouchSmart computer! Oh my gosh, I want one of those so bad! Seriously, the state of both of our computers is waning. Between my business, obsession with blogging and reading them, TRex's need for playing on PBS.com and my need for Netflix on my computer locked by myself in my office from time to time...well, a new computer would be amazing!

Check out these blogs to see ...
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December 11, 2009
I am finding it hard to believe that Christmas is less than two weeks away. It really has snuck up on me this year! One thing that is getting me in the spirit of the season is the giveaway going on over on my Giveaway Page. Seriously, this one is a doozie. I mean, wowee! The prize pack being given away is worth over $400! Head over and check it out. Winning would really brighten your season!

Good luck and have a great weekend!

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                          Top Posts are the Shizzle. Check these out fo sho.

Something I need to get out

First time

Lolidots PSA

   Beware of Cake Boss

Oh, the horror!

Psychological Prison

What's that sound?

                      Love me some of these bloggy peeps, yo....

                               Not Your Average Single Momma

Single, Infertile Female

This Daddy's Blog

The Casa


Life as we know it...

Crayon Wrangler

My Little Life

Hyperbole and a Half

The Blog O' Cheese


The Crazy Bloggy Cast

Lead Actress in a Mockumentary

Mom, Wife, Seamstress, Crafter, Cook, Finder of Lost Toys, Pudding Maker, Coffee Drinker, Snuggler, Loud Talker, Unconventional Parent in a constant state of organized chaos.

A.K.A. - Robin


Father Extraordinaire, Loving Husband, Fixer of Everything, deep thinking, pet loving, game playing, rock and rolling, picture taking, Superman to his wife and children.

My soulmate, my rock.


Big Brother to Snappy. TRex is our 6 year old, super crazy, high energy, sensitive and sweet, unbelievably intuitive, movie quoting, story telling, dinosaur loving, mini-Superman. (and sometimes Spiderman or Hulk or Wolverine or one of many other characters.)


Sister to TRex. Snappy is our 3 year old, baby toting, crayon loving, song singing, cuteness connoisseur, giggling, stubborn little Princess. She is both a Daddy's Girl and a Mommy's Girl. And she's figuring out how to twist TRex around her finger.


 The Cool Table


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