Getting to Know You...

January 17, 2010
Keely over at MannLand5 has a Sunday Blog Hop called "Getting To Know You" and I'm finally joining in! Head over to her blog and play along!

Today's questions are...

1. Hair color...Au naturale...or not?
Not. Not since 1992. I've been most colors. Even had a crazy time when I dyed it black. Mostly it's some shade of red. These days it doesn't get dyed often so it's a wonderful mix of years of different colors and some of my natural mousey color coming in. Oh, and don't forget the gray/white peeking through in some spots! Maybe I'll take the time to dye it again one day. You know, when I actually get a shower by myself!

2. If somebody has food in their teeth or lipstick on their teeth, do you tell them?
Hmmmm. Depends if I know them and how well I know them and if I'm mad at them at the moment! Ha!

3. Would you rather have a million dollars or your vision of the perfect body?
A million dollars. I'm not sure what my vision of the perfect body is but, I know that even with a perfect body you aren't guaranteed to think you are complete or perfect. If I had a million dollars then I could own the house and the cars we have and be less stressed by money. Less stress would lead me to live a healthier life. A healthier life would lead to a better body. Though, I wouldn't mind some good bubbies without surgery!

4. Favorite magazine?
People or one of the trash magazines, I guess. I'm not really a big magazine reader. I like my Kraft Food and Family magazines!

5. Bra style..lacey or plain?
Plain. Who am I trying to impress?

6. If you walked into Victoria's Secret..would you most likely come out with something sexy or comfy?
I'd most likely come out with a complex. ;-)

7. Do you fake and bake?
Nope. I used to when I was younger. These days I'm pretty pasty in the winter and try to get it naturally in the summer.

8. What's your favorite body part on a man?
Upper back.


Funny Because It's True

January 16, 2010
Because I need to laugh...

Because this shit is funny...

Because Louis C.K. rocks...

Because it's true...

(disclaimer: If you can't handle cussing and laughing about the things parents think, don't watch this. But, if you like "funny because it's true" comedy, put on a diaper because this will make you pee yourself.)

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5 Question Friday 1-15-2010

January 15, 2010

Well, I was going to procrastinate today's 5QF but, since Mama M. used one of my question suggestions, I guess I'll do this post when it's actually still Friday!

If you want to participate in 5 Question Friday, head over to My Little Life and link up with Mama M.!

Today's Questions:

1. Worst trouble you ever got into as a teenager?
Ok, what was I thinking when I suggested this question? Not like I can plead the 5th now! Hmmmm. Oh, I've got one.
When I was 16, three friends and I signed up to go ...

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Our buddy, Max

January 15, 2010
"I have to tell you something."

I hate that sentence.

No one ever gives good news after that sentence.

Hubby said it to me yesterday evening and my heart sank. My mind started racing with what the news could be.

His eyes got a little red and he choked out the news about our dog, Max.

Max was a Christmas present for TRex from hubby's parents two Christmases ago. TRex named him. TRex loved him. TRex called him "my buddy Max". Hubby cared for him though. Hubby loved that dog. Snappy dragged him ar...
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Fireworks in Mayberry

January 12, 2010
I snapped a few pics on New Years Eve and finally uploaded them to the computer. I'm a little disappointed in myself. I really could have procrastinated it until at least February. It's not like me to be so on top of things as to get NYE pics up by the middle of January!

I'm not very good when it comes to taking pics in the dark, especially with no flash. But, I had to document the awesome time that the kids had. I was super shocked that they both enjoyed it so much. Snappy, the little girl wh...
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Not Me Monday!

January 11, 2010
This blog carnival was started by MckMama. Head over to her blog and check out what everyone else is NOT doing!

This is not a wall in my son's room.

The guilty party is not my daughter.

I would never leave crayons and a two year old unattended. Not me!

This is not my daughter's wall.

I definitely learned my lesson from the first time. Er, the first few times.

I mean, it's not like there are other walls in our house that look like that.

After the first time I would not forget to search for rogue cr...

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5 Question Friday 1/08/10

January 8, 2010
Wow, two Fridays in a row? I've broken my own personal best for remember a meme other than Not Me Monday!

Sooooo, head over to Mama M.'s blog and see what this 5QF is all about and join in the fun!

Today's questions....

1. What's your "comfort food"?
I don't know that I have just one. Probably chips and dip. I actually had to quit buying tortilla chips. I'd go through a bag in two or three days just snacking. Best dip? Cream cheese and salsa with a little taco seasoning. Yum-o!

Do you send Th...

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Would you/could you? Ever Ever?

January 5, 2010

at any point in your life...

could you be on a reality show?

I will say that at a certain point in my early twenties, before children and my lovely hubby, before responsibilities, before diaper changes and car seats, before hairbows and superheroes, before minivans and baby bottles, before caring about anything other than myself...

I probably would have l-o-v-e-d to be on The Real World. Or The Hills. I woulda torn those shows up, sister! I mean, the drama I could have caused woul...
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Not Me Monday!

January 4, 2010
Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

While cleaning a friend's house last week someone was attacked by a cat. A super sweet, cat loving, good friend was attacked by a demon cat. While minding her own business, putting Christmas present sheets on her friend's bed, this dear girl was attacked by an old-aged watchdog cat.

It certainly was not me who was charged by a his...
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5 Question Friday

January 2, 2010
It took me a minute to realize that all these posts I was seeing weren't from last week. Today really is Friday. Well, for a few more hours at least. This is my first time to do 5QF with Mama M. and I'm stoked. I've been wanting to participate for a while so, here we go!

Rules for 5QF: Copy and paste the following questions to your blog, answer them, grab the MckLinky code (if you'd like...), then link up! I'd totally love it if you'd link back to me, Mama M.!!

If you could bring one charact...

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                          Top Posts are the Shizzle. Check these out fo sho.

Something I need to get out

First time

Lolidots PSA

   Beware of Cake Boss

Oh, the horror!

Psychological Prison

What's that sound?

                      Love me some of these bloggy peeps, yo....

                               Not Your Average Single Momma

Single, Infertile Female

This Daddy's Blog

The Casa


Life as we know it...

Crayon Wrangler

My Little Life

Hyperbole and a Half

The Blog O' Cheese


The Crazy Bloggy Cast

Lead Actress in a Mockumentary

Mom, Wife, Seamstress, Crafter, Cook, Finder of Lost Toys, Pudding Maker, Coffee Drinker, Snuggler, Loud Talker, Unconventional Parent in a constant state of organized chaos.

A.K.A. - Robin


Father Extraordinaire, Loving Husband, Fixer of Everything, deep thinking, pet loving, game playing, rock and rolling, picture taking, Superman to his wife and children.

My soulmate, my rock.


Big Brother to Snappy. TRex is our 6 year old, super crazy, high energy, sensitive and sweet, unbelievably intuitive, movie quoting, story telling, dinosaur loving, mini-Superman. (and sometimes Spiderman or Hulk or Wolverine or one of many other characters.)


Sister to TRex. Snappy is our 3 year old, baby toting, crayon loving, song singing, cuteness connoisseur, giggling, stubborn little Princess. She is both a Daddy's Girl and a Mommy's Girl. And she's figuring out how to twist TRex around her finger.


 The Cool Table


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