Post It Note Tuesday

March 2, 2010
Time for Post It Note Tuesday with Supah Mommy!


Oh, the horror!

March 1, 2010
I'm proud to say that I'm a pretty good cook.

My momma taught me well!

She did. My stepmom raised us in a home where we always had a wonderful dinner every night, usually around the same time every day.

Not that she ever really sat me down to say "this is how you cook" but, watching someone come up with different recipes (that she always called concoctions) and eating the yummy food every night really helped me to learn peripherally.

Even the nights that she really took the night off from cook...
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Wild Things

March 1, 2010
Lions and Tigers and Bears!



Not quite.


There were a couple of tigers at the zoo we visited this weekend!

So, how about...

Tigers and Foxes and Otters! Oh my!

On Saturday we decided to take an impromptu trip to my hometown. It's an hour away from where we live now and it's got a cute little zoo that I used to love when I was a kid. It's nice and small. Small enough to do the whole thing in 30 minutes if you want to. They've got some great exhibits and overall The Texas Zoo in Victor...
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5 Question Friday 2-26-10

February 26, 2010
Hey peeps, head over to my Giveaway page because I'd hate for you to miss the opportunity to win something from DownEast Basics or Bee Well Wishes! Seriously, DownEast Basics is one of my favorite women's clothing stores evah!

Ready for Friday? Well, sure! I'm ready because it means I'm one day closer to the next epi of Lost and even closer to the season finale of The Idiot Bachelor! And, it means it's time for Mama M.'s Five Question Friday!

Go check out the little lady and her blog and play ...
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Watch out!

February 25, 2010

At some point...

When you least expect it...

The rhythm really is gonna getcha!

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Lostapalooza 2-24

February 24, 2010
Are you a Lostie? Do you have a post on your blog dedicated to the bestest show evah? Well, link it up and join us in Lostapalooza! Remember to link back here somewhere in your post. And, if you want, grab the Lostapalooza button!

So, I know I wasn't the only one who gasped and uttered WTF? at the end of last night's episode. Claire? And Esau? Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?

Good boy, Jin. Play it close to the vest, buddy.

Really, I've got to keep my notebook in my lap from now on so that I can take notes be...
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Post It Note Tuesday

February 23, 2010
Check out Supah Mommy for more Post It Note Tuesday!

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Looking for some juice...

February 22, 2010

That's what my brain is telling me this morning as I try to search for an idea for a blog post.

Where did I put that Creative Juice?

Thought it was behind the milk.

I suppose I'm a little distracted today. I'll maybe be blogging about that distraction soon.

As a writer, there've been plenty of times of "denied access" in my life. When I was younger, I'd turn to other writers and the way they always said it better. Turn to them for inspiration. For escape. For comfort in the thought ...
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5 Question Friday

February 19, 2010
Friday already? Woohoo! Normally, Friday doesn't mean much. I'm a SAHM so, my days are pretty much all the same. Hubby works on most Saturdays so, Friday is just another day. But, he informed me yesterday that he isn't working this weekend so....Woohoo Friday!

It's been a good week. Got a lot of work done this week. For the most part, the weather was great and the kids were able to play outside every day. The other day when I thought the washer broke, it decided to prove me wrong when I went ...
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February 17, 2010
Sorry about the delay, folks! Feeling a bit under the weather today.

If you want to play along, please do! Grab the button image, link it back here, make your blog post and link up! If you don't have a blog, no worries! Play along in the comments!

Well, last night's episode was pretty good. I'm getting frustrated at the promise of answered questions because it seems that answered questions only lead to more questions! I certainly still have more questions after last night's episode.

Helen said ...
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                          Top Posts are the Shizzle. Check these out fo sho.

Something I need to get out

First time

Lolidots PSA

   Beware of Cake Boss

Oh, the horror!

Psychological Prison

What's that sound?

                      Love me some of these bloggy peeps, yo....

                               Not Your Average Single Momma

Single, Infertile Female

This Daddy's Blog

The Casa


Life as we know it...

Crayon Wrangler

My Little Life

Hyperbole and a Half

The Blog O' Cheese


The Crazy Bloggy Cast

Lead Actress in a Mockumentary

Mom, Wife, Seamstress, Crafter, Cook, Finder of Lost Toys, Pudding Maker, Coffee Drinker, Snuggler, Loud Talker, Unconventional Parent in a constant state of organized chaos.

A.K.A. - Robin


Father Extraordinaire, Loving Husband, Fixer of Everything, deep thinking, pet loving, game playing, rock and rolling, picture taking, Superman to his wife and children.

My soulmate, my rock.


Big Brother to Snappy. TRex is our 6 year old, super crazy, high energy, sensitive and sweet, unbelievably intuitive, movie quoting, story telling, dinosaur loving, mini-Superman. (and sometimes Spiderman or Hulk or Wolverine or one of many other characters.)


Sister to TRex. Snappy is our 3 year old, baby toting, crayon loving, song singing, cuteness connoisseur, giggling, stubborn little Princess. She is both a Daddy's Girl and a Mommy's Girl. And she's figuring out how to twist TRex around her finger.


 The Cool Table


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