Not Me Monday
Posted by Robin Haws on Sunday, September 27, 2009
Under: Not Me Monday
This blog carnival was started by MckMama. Check out her blog and see what everyone else has Not been up to!

My license is not expired. I would never have overlooked something like that. It also wouldn't have taken trying to rent a roto-router for me to be alerted to the fact that said license may or may not be expired. Oh, yeah. You didn't know that you need a valid license to rent a toilet snake? Makes perfect sense right? My response to the guy was definitely not "Is this something I'm going to be driving?" I would never say something like that. I am not a smart ass at all.
I did not turn around at the entrance to the grocery store the other day and leave. Early exit was not from a screaming two year old who wanted to ride in the big part of the cart. While some moms would opt for placating and allow them to ride where they want, I certainly didn't choose stubbornness and returning home with no groceries! And Snappy? Oh, yeah, she sure learned her lesson. (Can you hear that sarcasm all the way where you are?)
It wasn't me that didn't think to put sunscreen on the kids while they swam Saturday morning and early afternoon. No, the sunburns aren't terrible but, they are pretty pink. I'm assuming this is the first sunburn that TRex has really been aware of. Hubby and I weren't laughing our butts off at our kid when he yelled "There's something wrong with my back!!!" Poor kid. He did enjoy some nice body butter lotion.
It wasn't us trying desperately to squeeze in a little playground play before nightfall on Sunday evening. And we had absolutely no fun.

Not even a little.

Really. No fun.

Not a single one of us.

I'm sure we just won't go back.
I'm not going to stop for a minute and partake in a little shameless self promotion! Check out the Boutique and all the super cute Halloween items for girls and boys! Also, you've got to head over to the Giveaway page and see how many awesome items are up for grabs! Because I know most of you reading this are bloggers yourself, I really want you to have a look at the giveaway for Break Pal. Keep yourself healthy while you are at the computer!
Have a great week!

My license is not expired. I would never have overlooked something like that. It also wouldn't have taken trying to rent a roto-router for me to be alerted to the fact that said license may or may not be expired. Oh, yeah. You didn't know that you need a valid license to rent a toilet snake? Makes perfect sense right? My response to the guy was definitely not "Is this something I'm going to be driving?" I would never say something like that. I am not a smart ass at all.
I did not turn around at the entrance to the grocery store the other day and leave. Early exit was not from a screaming two year old who wanted to ride in the big part of the cart. While some moms would opt for placating and allow them to ride where they want, I certainly didn't choose stubbornness and returning home with no groceries! And Snappy? Oh, yeah, she sure learned her lesson. (Can you hear that sarcasm all the way where you are?)
It wasn't me that didn't think to put sunscreen on the kids while they swam Saturday morning and early afternoon. No, the sunburns aren't terrible but, they are pretty pink. I'm assuming this is the first sunburn that TRex has really been aware of. Hubby and I weren't laughing our butts off at our kid when he yelled "There's something wrong with my back!!!" Poor kid. He did enjoy some nice body butter lotion.
It wasn't us trying desperately to squeeze in a little playground play before nightfall on Sunday evening. And we had absolutely no fun.

Not even a little.

Really. No fun.

Not a single one of us.

I'm sure we just won't go back.
I'm not going to stop for a minute and partake in a little shameless self promotion! Check out the Boutique and all the super cute Halloween items for girls and boys! Also, you've got to head over to the Giveaway page and see how many awesome items are up for grabs! Because I know most of you reading this are bloggers yourself, I really want you to have a look at the giveaway for Break Pal. Keep yourself healthy while you are at the computer!
Have a great week!
In : Not Me Monday
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