This blog carnival was started by MckMama. Check out her blog to see what everyone else has not been doing this week!

We did NOT spend last week and this weekend sweating, packing, moving and unpacking. It was NOT chaotic. The old house did NOT look like this...

Snappy did NOT try to help by unpacking boxes immediately after I packed them.
She also did not "help" by doing this...

It wasn't me that bribed the children with popsicles to keep them out of the way for a few minutes!
I would never do that!

We did not take a break from all the madness to celebrate TRex's 5th birthday. It was not lame. Don't worry. There's not a big party planned for when we're settled in a couple of weeks.

Snappy did NOT enjoy those cupcakes. And it certainly wasn't my hubby that bought the kind with the the incredibly face staining icing!

We are not excited to be in the new house. I do not have a ton left to do! But it's not like I'm so crazy that I've got to have everything unpacked and decorated immediately. Not Me!

I am not sponsoring a great giveaway of a Lolidots Dress over at this cute blog:
Momma In Flip Flops. You shouldn't go enter it!

You also shouldn't check out the Giveaway page here and enter the Unique You giveaway!