Not Me Monday
Posted by Robin Haws on Monday, August 17, 2009
Under: Not Me Monday

This blog carnival was created by MckMama. Check out her blog to see what everyone else has not been doing.
We had a wonderful weekend! Though the kids' birthdays are only a couple of weeks apart, we decided that this was the last year to do a joint party. TRex will be old enough next year to do something fun and on his own. So, we seized the chance, especially after having just moved, to combine the parties into one. It was a lot of fun. I did not get so busy that I forgot to take pics. My husband also was not too busy to take pics. I'm not still kicking us in the butts about it! Seriously, no pics. My mom snapped a few of the cake and hubby snapped a few more but,
I just love how talented my hubby is...

They wanted a Spiderman cake and that's what they got! No, that is not 6 candles on the cake. Of course I know that even if it was supposed to be their added ages it should be 7. Why 6? Certainly not because I forgot to buy candles and found those 6 in the drawer.
And, who is "He" you may ask? Well, the cutie that you and I know as TRex is usually referred to as "He" by Snappy. I think it's the best nickname ever. She came up with it on her own. Surely not because she hears all the time "Where is he?" "What did he do?" Nope. That's not why.
So, He and Snappy got their birthday cake. TRex He picked out the chocolate flavor. It was not me who decided to sneak one past everyone and substitute flax meal for the oil that the cake mix called for. It was not me that freaked out when it was really hard to mix and called my dad. It was not my mom who said they'd be happy to stop and get a cake on their way! It WAS my cake that turned out super duper scrumdidlyumptious! Everyone loved it! The kids scarfed it! And I smiled.
Um, yeah, we relit the 6 candles so they could each blow them out.

Though we have no further documentation, it was a really fun party! We were so worn out. But it certainly wasn't all four of us that took a three hour nap on Sunday. Um, we would never do that!
Happy Birthday to my Princess Snappy who is now 2 and my big 5 year old TRex!

In : Not Me Monday
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