So, after spending hours reading the heart wrenching stories and hilarious musings over at, I began to wish I could remember to do a "Not me Monday" just like Mckmamma. And, after being prodded by my wonderful Sara over at
MellyRoo Designs, I've finally put the other procrastination tactics aside and am opting for a blog post! I urge everyone to read both of those other blogs, for the Not Me's and all the other great stuff!
And, here we go...

I did not have a fabulous giveaway this weekend. That giveaway that didn't happen also did not triple my website traffic. Another thing that didn't happen was some new sales. Too bad.
I did not leave tiny rubber bands all over my office floor after Kylee did not spill the package. I have not been picking them up one at a time as I need them. I would never do that!
I did not do a load of laundry 7 times because I thought the detergent wasn't washing off. Come to find out it was not small styrofoam beads from a beanie pillow. My husband did not get irritated.
I did not watch The Karate Kid last night with hubby and Lukus. Hubby and I did not feel ancient and Lukus did not enjoy it.
I am not constantly enamoured by my beautiful daughter and I am not in love with her voice and growing vocabulary. I am not thinking of making deals with the devil to keep her this age forever. Me? Never!
I did not add new things to the website this weekend and I am not going to add more very soon. I did not just make the cutest little tutu and will not be putting pics up.
I do not hope that everyone checks it all out.
I did not stay up past 3 every night last week, and the week before that and that and that. And, I am not starting to feel a bit whacked out. I do not worry that I will pour juice in the cereal because that did not happen. Not me!
I do not hope our vacation plans for next week are able to happen. I do not need one at all.
I did not have fun doing this and I will not be doing it again. Not me!