Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMamma. You can head
over to
mycharmingkids.net to read what she and everyone else have not been doing
this week.
I did not finally get into a zone last week and get a ton of orders finished and mailed out.
I also did not stay up until the wee hours last week working on new things. And I will not be posting pics to show off!

Oh, I am not head over heels in love with that girl right there! I do not think she's the cutest thing there ever was! Not me! And I'm absolutely NOT biased at all!
Also, it did not take a million shots to get one perfect pose. She was not being difficult that day at all!
It wasn't me who tried desperately all weekend to get some cute videos of the kids. And it wasn't me that failed.
I did not have a really fun weekend with my family! That wasn't my husband that decided not to work on Saturday!
And it absolutely wasn't us that took a day trip on Sunday that ended in getting our new puppy! Those weren't my amazing in-laws we went to get the pup from. And that's not our new, way too stinkin cute, dog!

That wasn't my adorable son who wanted to sleep with him.
And that's not my daughter picking him up by the neck.