Posted by Robin Haws on Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Under: Lost
Okay, kids. You ready for the new Lostapalooza?
It was one heck of an episode! I'm super impressed with the writers for not lagging so far this season. One good show after another. Kudos!
If you want to play along, join in the comment section (click the title of the post and scroll to the bottom). If you've got your own blog post, link it up!

I loved this episode. I've said before that I've always liked Ben. I know, I know. It's just such a great character though. The turmoil, the choices, all so intriguing.
I liked the symmetry between the island scenes and the flash sideways of this Ben story.
Ben was once made to choose between himself and Alex. He chose Alex. It was nice to learn how that affected him. In this week's flash sideways, we see that he finds himself having to decide whether or not to choose Alex or himself once again. I will admit, I was surprised at his choice.
Though, the choice made in the flash sideways is similar to the choice to kill Jacob. Both led to him losing his power. As maybe it was always supposed to be? Did Jacob keep him at bay for so long because he was never supposed to get the power?
I loved the talk between Ben and his dad about "what if" they hadn't left the island. Are we to assume that they left because of all that happened in the last episode of Season 5? Wait. That can't be right. Ben killed his father in Season 5. So, in the flash sideways, what was the reason they left the island and when did they do it?
We were promised answers about Richard Alpert. I was happy to see him in an episode but, don't know that we really learned anything we didn't already know. I think everyone suspected some kind of "can't die" something or other and we all pretty much knew that he didn't age because of Jacob. I had thought for a while that he was on the boat that was shown when Jacob and Esau were on the beach. (Same boat called The Black Rock) So, we can assume he was a slave on that boat? Wonder what happened to everyone else that was on the boat. And, why Richard? We learned that if Jacob touched you then you can't kill yourself. You can die, if someone else does it. Okay. So, if Richard and Jack had both lit dynamite then their dynamite would have killed the other one? heehee
Jack seems to be getting stronger. Still full of cynical questions and sarcasm but, maybe getting stronger in his faith of the island and that something is indeed going on.
Yay for Miles for snagging Nikki and Paulo's stash! I always wondered why no one did that before heading to the freighter.
Then...dun dun dunnnnnnnnn.....Charles Widmore is coming. He's ba-aaaack! I've been thinking we hadn't seen the last of him. Maybe we'll find out once and for all why he hates this island so much.
I'm looking forward to next week. Looks like an episode with some Sawyer and Kate. That means we'll get some more peeks into Fake Locke's camp and we'll get some Sawyer. I'm good with both of those.
What do you think? Theories? Critiques of the episode?
Today's questions:
1. (Courtesy of Sam) - The lines have been drawn. Whose side are you on? Jacob or Fake Locke? Which way would you go?
2. Do you think that the other "powers" we've seen have anything to do with the island?
3. Who was Jacob talking about when he told Hurley that he needed to help someone get back to the island at the lighthouse?
4. Take a stand. Fake Locke- good side or bad side?
1. (Courtesy of Sam) - The lines have been drawn. Whose side are you on? Jacob or Fake Locke? Which way would you go?
I'm going with my gut on this one and headed to the other island with Fake Locke. Maybe I'm being conned by his strong yet hauntingly caring eyes. Maybe I'm clouded by how much I liked Locke. I just think I'd head with them and the promise of getting off the island. Strength in numbers, right? Right?
2. Do you think that the other "powers" we've seen have anything to do with the island?
Yes. I am thinking that Hurley's, Miles', and Walt's powers have to do with the island and specifically, with Jacob. I think Jacob gave them those "powers" for a reason and I'm thinking (hoping) we haven't seen the last of Walt.
3. Who was Jacob talking about when he told Hurley that he needed to help someone get back to the island at the lighthouse?
Well, now I'm thinking he was talking about Charles Widmore but, at the same time, I don't know if he was because why would Jacob want Widmore to come to the island? I think Widmore is on Esau's side. He is the one who tried so hard to get Locke to go back.
4. Take a stand. Fake Locke- good side or bad side?
I know I've toyed with this idea. My hubby first made this theory after the first episode of this season. I'm joining him in his theory and saying, for the record, I think Fake Locke is NOT the bad side. I'm not sure if there will be clear cut good and bad but, I don't think that MIB/Fake Locke/Esau/Smokey is the bad entity that he may seem to be.
Alright Losties, have at it!
It was one heck of an episode! I'm super impressed with the writers for not lagging so far this season. One good show after another. Kudos!
If you want to play along, join in the comment section (click the title of the post and scroll to the bottom). If you've got your own blog post, link it up!

I loved this episode. I've said before that I've always liked Ben. I know, I know. It's just such a great character though. The turmoil, the choices, all so intriguing.
I liked the symmetry between the island scenes and the flash sideways of this Ben story.
Ben was once made to choose between himself and Alex. He chose Alex. It was nice to learn how that affected him. In this week's flash sideways, we see that he finds himself having to decide whether or not to choose Alex or himself once again. I will admit, I was surprised at his choice.
Though, the choice made in the flash sideways is similar to the choice to kill Jacob. Both led to him losing his power. As maybe it was always supposed to be? Did Jacob keep him at bay for so long because he was never supposed to get the power?
I loved the talk between Ben and his dad about "what if" they hadn't left the island. Are we to assume that they left because of all that happened in the last episode of Season 5? Wait. That can't be right. Ben killed his father in Season 5. So, in the flash sideways, what was the reason they left the island and when did they do it?
We were promised answers about Richard Alpert. I was happy to see him in an episode but, don't know that we really learned anything we didn't already know. I think everyone suspected some kind of "can't die" something or other and we all pretty much knew that he didn't age because of Jacob. I had thought for a while that he was on the boat that was shown when Jacob and Esau were on the beach. (Same boat called The Black Rock) So, we can assume he was a slave on that boat? Wonder what happened to everyone else that was on the boat. And, why Richard? We learned that if Jacob touched you then you can't kill yourself. You can die, if someone else does it. Okay. So, if Richard and Jack had both lit dynamite then their dynamite would have killed the other one? heehee
Jack seems to be getting stronger. Still full of cynical questions and sarcasm but, maybe getting stronger in his faith of the island and that something is indeed going on.
Yay for Miles for snagging Nikki and Paulo's stash! I always wondered why no one did that before heading to the freighter.
Then...dun dun dunnnnnnnnn.....Charles Widmore is coming. He's ba-aaaack! I've been thinking we hadn't seen the last of him. Maybe we'll find out once and for all why he hates this island so much.
I'm looking forward to next week. Looks like an episode with some Sawyer and Kate. That means we'll get some more peeks into Fake Locke's camp and we'll get some Sawyer. I'm good with both of those.
What do you think? Theories? Critiques of the episode?
Today's questions:
1. (Courtesy of Sam) - The lines have been drawn. Whose side are you on? Jacob or Fake Locke? Which way would you go?
2. Do you think that the other "powers" we've seen have anything to do with the island?
3. Who was Jacob talking about when he told Hurley that he needed to help someone get back to the island at the lighthouse?
4. Take a stand. Fake Locke- good side or bad side?
1. (Courtesy of Sam) - The lines have been drawn. Whose side are you on? Jacob or Fake Locke? Which way would you go?
I'm going with my gut on this one and headed to the other island with Fake Locke. Maybe I'm being conned by his strong yet hauntingly caring eyes. Maybe I'm clouded by how much I liked Locke. I just think I'd head with them and the promise of getting off the island. Strength in numbers, right? Right?
2. Do you think that the other "powers" we've seen have anything to do with the island?
Yes. I am thinking that Hurley's, Miles', and Walt's powers have to do with the island and specifically, with Jacob. I think Jacob gave them those "powers" for a reason and I'm thinking (hoping) we haven't seen the last of Walt.
3. Who was Jacob talking about when he told Hurley that he needed to help someone get back to the island at the lighthouse?
Well, now I'm thinking he was talking about Charles Widmore but, at the same time, I don't know if he was because why would Jacob want Widmore to come to the island? I think Widmore is on Esau's side. He is the one who tried so hard to get Locke to go back.
4. Take a stand. Fake Locke- good side or bad side?
I know I've toyed with this idea. My hubby first made this theory after the first episode of this season. I'm joining him in his theory and saying, for the record, I think Fake Locke is NOT the bad side. I'm not sure if there will be clear cut good and bad but, I don't think that MIB/Fake Locke/Esau/Smokey is the bad entity that he may seem to be.
Alright Losties, have at it!
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