Getting to Know You and you and you and you!
Posted by Robin Haws on Sunday, April 18, 2010
Under: Getting to Know You
Hey y'all!
As predicted, the rain has washed up my weekend. (haha, isn't that punny?)
Never fear though. I got some cleaning done and when I needed something to keep me from cleaning, I got some sewing done! Snappy now has three new dresses hanging in her closet! >wish I did<

She's ecstatic. I just adore my girly girl!
I do this all the time. I take shirts that might be getting a little short or worn and just add the fabric to the bottom to make a dress. She loves dresses! I really like using the jersey type fabric because it doesn't fray so, I don't have to do a bottom seam if I don't want to. Sometimes I like the unfinished raw edges on clothes.
Well, it's Saturday night here in LolidotsLand and the house is abuzz with fun.
Um, not really.
Snappy is watching Care Bears in her room for the eleventybillionth time.
TRex is watching Stand By Me for the first time!
Proud moment for me! It's a right of passage, isn't it?
0007 has retreated to his workshop/gym and is no doubt hitting the weights whilst listening to music instead of children.
And, Mama?
Made a huge pot of spaghetti, fed the chilrenz, filled my belly and now I think I'll get on with my usual Sunday meme post!
If you don't know Keely over at MannLand5 then you are missin' out! Head over there and be prepared to fall for her and her sweetness that oozes from ever pore of her blog! While you're there, play along with Getting to Know You on Sundays!
If you have a Getting to Know You post, leave me the link! If not, feel free to answer here in the comments! I'd love to get to know all of you!

Today's Questions:
1. Mens chests..hairy or hairless?
2. How often do you run red lights?
3. If you could raid any celebrity's closet..who's would you raid?
4. Would you rather have more followers/friends on Facebook, Twitter, or your Blog?
5. What makes you feel sexy?
6. I get excited when...........?
7. Are you the "outdoorsy" type or more "indoorsy"?
8. Would you rather have your dream home or a million dollars?
1. Mens chests..hairy or hairless?
Hmmmm. I don't think I really care one way or the other. As long as it's not too hairy and as long as it's 0007's chest!
2. How often do you run red lights?
Never. Never. Never. I can probably count on one hand the number of times I've done this in my entire life. Yellow lights...that's a different story.
3. If you could raid any celebrity's closet..who's would you raid?
Kate Hudson. I love her style. Very breezy with a 70s flare. Love it.
4. Would you rather have more followers/friends on Facebook, Twitter, or your Blog?
Hmmmmm. I guess it's not so much about the followers as it is about the readers. Ultimately I guess I'd rather have more followers on my blog than the others but, I'd like to think that follower=reader.
5. What makes you feel sexy?
High heels
Red nail polish
Red lipstick
A really great purse
Perfect fitting jeans
Wearing my hair down
My husband
6. I get excited when...........?
We're going to go out.
We're going to a family get together.
I get to go clothes shopping.
Netflix puts really good movies on the watch instantly (Yeah, I'm that lame.)
I'm going to see a friend that I haven't seen in a while.
I think about the Texas Blog Party getting closer!!
7. Are you the "outdoorsy" type or more "indoorsy"?
I guess I'd have to say "indoorsy". I'm sure that 0007 would agree, considering all the crap he gives me over it. It really depends on the weather outside and what's going on. I'm not a camping kind of gal but, I don't hate to be outside.
8. Would you rather have your dream home or a million dollars?
The money. I could do way more with that money than build my dream home.
When do I get the money?
What? It's not that kind of a question? Dangit, Keely! You got me.
Alright, folks. That's that. I guess it's time to decide what I'll do with the rest of the evening. If I wasn't already in my pajamas, I'd go put them on. I'm thinking I'll go hang with my TRex and enjoy Stand By Me!
Have a great Sunday!
As predicted, the rain has washed up my weekend. (haha, isn't that punny?)
Never fear though. I got some cleaning done and when I needed something to keep me from cleaning, I got some sewing done! Snappy now has three new dresses hanging in her closet! >wish I did<

She's ecstatic. I just adore my girly girl!
I do this all the time. I take shirts that might be getting a little short or worn and just add the fabric to the bottom to make a dress. She loves dresses! I really like using the jersey type fabric because it doesn't fray so, I don't have to do a bottom seam if I don't want to. Sometimes I like the unfinished raw edges on clothes.
Well, it's Saturday night here in LolidotsLand and the house is abuzz with fun.
Um, not really.
Snappy is watching Care Bears in her room for the eleventybillionth time.
TRex is watching Stand By Me for the first time!
Proud moment for me! It's a right of passage, isn't it?
0007 has retreated to his workshop/gym and is no doubt hitting the weights whilst listening to music instead of children.
And, Mama?
Made a huge pot of spaghetti, fed the chilrenz, filled my belly and now I think I'll get on with my usual Sunday meme post!
If you don't know Keely over at MannLand5 then you are missin' out! Head over there and be prepared to fall for her and her sweetness that oozes from ever pore of her blog! While you're there, play along with Getting to Know You on Sundays!
If you have a Getting to Know You post, leave me the link! If not, feel free to answer here in the comments! I'd love to get to know all of you!

Today's Questions:
1. Mens chests..hairy or hairless?
2. How often do you run red lights?
3. If you could raid any celebrity's closet..who's would you raid?
4. Would you rather have more followers/friends on Facebook, Twitter, or your Blog?
5. What makes you feel sexy?
6. I get excited when...........?
7. Are you the "outdoorsy" type or more "indoorsy"?
8. Would you rather have your dream home or a million dollars?
1. Mens chests..hairy or hairless?
Hmmmm. I don't think I really care one way or the other. As long as it's not too hairy and as long as it's 0007's chest!
2. How often do you run red lights?
Never. Never. Never. I can probably count on one hand the number of times I've done this in my entire life. Yellow lights...that's a different story.
3. If you could raid any celebrity's closet..who's would you raid?
Kate Hudson. I love her style. Very breezy with a 70s flare. Love it.
4. Would you rather have more followers/friends on Facebook, Twitter, or your Blog?
Hmmmmm. I guess it's not so much about the followers as it is about the readers. Ultimately I guess I'd rather have more followers on my blog than the others but, I'd like to think that follower=reader.
5. What makes you feel sexy?
High heels
Red nail polish
Red lipstick
A really great purse
Perfect fitting jeans
Wearing my hair down
My husband
6. I get excited when...........?
We're going to go out.
We're going to a family get together.
I get to go clothes shopping.
Netflix puts really good movies on the watch instantly (Yeah, I'm that lame.)
I'm going to see a friend that I haven't seen in a while.
I think about the Texas Blog Party getting closer!!
7. Are you the "outdoorsy" type or more "indoorsy"?
I guess I'd have to say "indoorsy". I'm sure that 0007 would agree, considering all the crap he gives me over it. It really depends on the weather outside and what's going on. I'm not a camping kind of gal but, I don't hate to be outside.
8. Would you rather have your dream home or a million dollars?
The money. I could do way more with that money than build my dream home.
When do I get the money?
What? It's not that kind of a question? Dangit, Keely! You got me.
Alright, folks. That's that. I guess it's time to decide what I'll do with the rest of the evening. If I wasn't already in my pajamas, I'd go put them on. I'm thinking I'll go hang with my TRex and enjoy Stand By Me!
Have a great Sunday!
In : Getting to Know You
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