Yep, I'm pretty damn happy with it!
For more Wordless Wednesday, check out 5MinutesforMom. Continue reading ...
WW - It's a sign
I'm jumping in with 5 Minutes For Mom today and their Wordless Wednesday. And, I'm doing it my own way. Maybe not "wordless" per se. Maybe not a cute pic of one of my adorable kids. Well, we'll just let it speak for itself.
Oh, what the hell, how about one more?
Be sure to check out 5 Minutes For Mom and all the other blogs with their Wordless Wednesday posts! Continue reading ...
Wordless Wednesday - Grandpa
Wow. I haven't done a Wordless Wednesday post in a reallllly long time. I'm not sure I really can do something "wordless".
That's my dad, my kids and my nephew on Father's Day this year. They were all hanging in the hammock and I just love the series of pics I got. Seeing mine and 0007's parents glow in grandparent roles makes me so happy. My grandparents mean so much to me and I love seeing my kids gain those relationships with their grandparents. Wordless enough? I'm not sure I can qualify ... Continue reading ...
Wordless Wednesday
Haven't done a WW in a while!Daddy and Snappy

For more Wordless Wednesday check out 5 Minutes for Mom.
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Wordless Wednesday
I haven't done a WW post in a couple of weeks. Wanted to share this pic of Snappy from the other day. She has gotten incredibly attached to Scooby Doo. I don't know where the obsession came from but, all of a sudden it's all she watches...all day...everyday...over and over. (Ok, maybe not that much but, you get the point) TRex was about her age when his fascination obsession with dinosaurs started. I'm thankful it's something cool like Scooby Doo and not Barney or something. So, I bought her ... Continue reading ...
Wordless Wednesday
Bro's Grafix had a photo shoot for a Western Week Pageant entrant's portfolio the other day. The shoot was so much fun, in part because the girl was a niece of my hubby and I had a blast proofing these out!

Check out more Wordless Wednesday at 5 Minutes For Mom and one of my favorite bloggers: Baby Loving Mama!And to see more Bro's Grafix work along with all the info
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Wordless Wednesday
Wordless WednesdaySo...this happened in my driveway yesterday...
Ugh, Ack and Cripes! At least no one was injured. (except our bank account!)For more Wordless Wednesday check out
Baby Loving Mama and
Five Minutes for Mom!
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Wordless Wednesday
Wordless WednesdayI'm loving this Bro's Grafix pic of Snappy's Livie and Luca shoes!!
Aren't they cute? And on the cutest little feet at the end of the cutest little legs...You can win a pair! Click here!For more Wordless Wednesday check out 5 Minutes for Mom and Baby Loving Mama.AND...head over to Gobs of Giveaways and enter to win one of the new School Spirit Dresses from Lollipops and Polka Dots!! Continue reading ...
Wordless Wednesday
Wordless/Wordful WednesdaySome people call it a "broken" family when parents divorce. Mine did and remarried and I'd say that there is nothing "broken" about having these wonderful siblings. This pic is so special to me because, due to living in different states, this is the only picture I have of all of my brothers and sister and myself. I love it.
Check out Baby Loving Mama for more Wordless Wednesday fun.And check out our Giveaway page to win a Zuma handbag from Namaste Inc.!!!! Continue reading ...
Wordless Wednesday
My parents dancing at their 20th Anniversary Vow Renewal. Love this pic!
For more Wordless Wednesday fun check out
Baby Loving Mama,
5 Minutes for Mom and
7 Clown Circus!
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Wordless Wednesday
Wordless WednesdayTrampoline Fun
Their hands and feet were totally black afterwards but they had so much fun!For more Wordless Wednesday fun check out Baby Loving Mama and Five Minutes for Mom.
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Wordless Wednesday
This pic of my grandfather and my son was taken a couple of years ago. It's one of those pictures that I am so thankful my hubby snapped. I've got it framed in my house. To me, it's priceless.
For more Wordless Wednesday check out Baby Loving Mama, 5 Minutes For Mom and 7 Clown Circus. Continue reading ...
Wordless Wednesday
TRex firsts...

First time at the carnival.

First time at the beach.
For more Wordless Wednesday fun head over to and
Don't forget to check out our Giveaways page! We've got a great one from Z. Daisy! Continue reading ...