Browsing Archive: March, 2010
Getting to Know You
This is my first time in a looooong time doing Getting to Know You with Keely over at MannLand 5. Today's questions are all from a male blogger so, should be fun!If you want to play along, head over to Keely's blog!
Today's questions...1 - Why did you start blogging?
2 - Who's the one blog friend that you would want to meet most in "real life"?
3 - Why are you always concerned with losing that "extra 10 pounds" when chances are your husband/boyfriend/friends tell you that you look just fine the ... Continue reading ...
5 Question Friday - Vlog Edition
Posted by Robin Haws on Friday, March 26, 2010,
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Well, it's Friday again! Lemme tell ya a little bit about cyber bullying. Yesterday I found myself the victim of some pushy, albeit super cute, bloggy ladies. It was like an afternoon special on Twitter.So, to you gals,Kate, Mama M., Crayon Wrangler...kudos for your peer pressuring abilities!I hemmed and hawed about it all day long.I practiced my script.I tried to know what I would say.Did my hair. Cuz, you know, can't be lookin' like the ponytail wearing heathen that I normally am.And, I vlo... Continue reading ...
Handwriting and Some Attitude
Posted by Robin Haws on Thursday, March 25, 2010,
So, I saw this little game on another blog and loved it and decided to scoop it up! The rules are simple. Answer the following questions but, write them down. Snap a pic and post it!1. Name/ Blog Name2. Right handed, left handed or both3. Favorite letters to write4. Least favorite letters to write5. Write: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.6. Write in caps:CRABHUMORKALEIDOSCOPEPAJAMASGAZILLION7. Favorite song lyrics8. Tag people9. Any special note or drawingApparently, how someone w... Continue reading ...
We Interrupt This Lostapalooza to Bring You TRex, The Ninja Warrior
Posted by Robin Haws on Wednesday, March 24, 2010,
Ah, this episode of Lost was a doozie and I'm still reeling from it BUT, I'm preempting Lostapalooza this week. No worries, Losties. Head over to THIS THREAD in S.I.F's Blog Frog forum and join our giddy talk about it!In lieu of Lostapalooza, I thought I'd give you a little TRex action. Snappy is the spotlight stealer these days. But, my TRex is amazing. He's so full of energy.He's so full of love.He's so full of creativity.Never a dull moment with TRex. Plus, he keeps our backyard totally sa... Continue reading ...
5 Question Friday and an Announcement
Friday already? This week flew by. I'm stoked it's Friday. I'm watching my nephew this weekend and he's insanely adorable and just the coolest baby! Beware: Pics will likely flow like wine in the coming days!Before I get to the Mama M-ness of the day, I want to let you all know that I'm organizing a TEXAS BLOG PARTY to be held in south Texas (likely Victoria, possibly Corpus Christi - depending on number of attendees and venue options) on JULY 10TH. It's going to be a kickin' good time and a ... Continue reading ...
What's that sound?
Posted by Robin Haws on Thursday, March 18, 2010,
ClackPlopClackPlopClackWhat in the world is that sound? And faster...ClackPopClackPlopClackPlopWhat the heck is that?Ohhhhh.No worries.It's just Snappy.Rockin' one dress up shoe.
You know, the one she has left that hasn't been lost/broken/chewed by dogs. Sheesh. Why don't her parents buy her some new dress up shoes?Cheap bastards.She'll be okay. Maybe she'll get a new pair in her Easter basket.
I'll bet she was dreaming about it this afternoon. As she slumbered in her comfy bed with all her ama... Continue reading ...
A Little Bit for Everyone
Posted by Robin Haws on Wednesday, March 17, 2010,
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I realize that not all my readers are Lost freaks the way some of us are. I'm not judging you no-Lost watching peeps. I got nothin' but love for ya!So, before I get to the Lostapalooza-ness of the day...I spent my Tuesday proofing out pics that hubby took at the baptism we attended this past weekend. He got some really amazing shots and that always makes proofing them out all the more fun. I was so happy with how they turned out, I wanted to share a few. (Yes, Sam, then I'll do my Lost stuff!... Continue reading ...
All the makings of an awesome weekend...
Posted by Robin Haws on Monday, March 15, 2010,
Helloooooooooooooo, Flip Flops!
Can I get a witness?Oh, it was such a gorgeous weekend!Obviously, it was nice enough for the flip flops to come flying out. I think I wore 6 different pair this weekend, I was so excited to wear them. Tank tops, bathing suits, sunglasses, beach towels and barefeet...they all got some play this weekend.
The weekend started with some haircut action. Both the kids got in the Daddy barber chair and got a much needed trim. Snappy wound up with her first actual "hairs... Continue reading ...
Five Question Friday! Yip Yip!
Friday, she is upon us. This weekend looks to be a pretty darn good one. I've spent the week painting picture frames, lamps and other things and now I'm all geared up to see what else I can redo for free this weekend! We've got some fun family stuff to do (albeit, way too early for me on Saturday morning) and the weather is going to be sah-weet all weekend! (except I've now jinxed it) I've got so much that I hope to get done this weekend, I'm placing bets on not getting any of it done! Alrigh...
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Posted by Robin Haws on Thursday, March 11, 2010,
Before I was a mother, I was fearless.
Before I had my son, I was headed down a dark path.
Before I married my husband, I didn't know what marriage meant.
Before I had my daughter, I didn't know what it was like to deal with me.
Before I die, I want to live simply and travel a lot.
Before I was a blogger, I had no idea how much time I could spend on the computer.
Or how many friendships I could gain.
Before I go to bed, I obsessively check the doors and the stove.
Before I had a cell phone, I was fi... Continue reading ...
Posted by Robin Haws on Wednesday, March 10, 2010,
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Okay, kids. You ready for the new Lostapalooza?
It was one heck of an episode! I'm super impressed with the writers for not lagging so far this season. One good show after another. Kudos!
If you want to play along, join in the comment section (click the title of the post and scroll to the bottom). If you've got your own blog post, link it up!
I loved this episode. I've said before that I've always liked Ben. I know, I know. It's just such a great character though. The turmoil, the choices... Continue reading ...
Posted by Robin Haws on Saturday, March 6, 2010,
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She picks up the never ending to do list. Tiptoeing through the house before her family wakes, she pulls a sippy cup from one bed and quietly photographs one of the sleeping children. After a whirlwind of breakfast and dressing (neither of which she gets to do for herself), an embarrassment at the hands of the got-it-all-together mom and sending the family off to their day, she sits down with a few minutes to blog.Sound like your life already?Within the first few minutes of the movie Motherho... Continue reading ...
Five Question Friday
You know, if it wasn't for Mama M., I wouldn't have blogged as much this week. She's been my own personal blogging cattle prod for the past few days! Ah, Mama M. This procrastinating, blank-mind-momma thanks you very much! Isn't it funny how my procrastinating tool (blogging) has suddenly become something that I procrastinate?! But I digress. (Or am I procrastinating?)It's Friday. And that can only mean one thing. Sloppy Joe Day at the county jail?Nope.It's time for Mama M.'s 5 Question Frida... Continue reading ...
10 Year Game
Posted by Robin Haws on Thursday, March 4, 2010,
Alright, I guess Mama M. could sense that I was planning on procrastinating blogging until Friday. She tagged me in a little blog game! Alri-ight, I'll blo-og<that's my whiny voice>So, rules seem simple enough.1. Post where you want to be in 10 years.2. Pass it on to ten bloggy friends.First I'll do the passing. 1. Samantha2. Brae3. Nikki4. Scott5. Lisa6. Erica7. Jody B. 8. Tracy9. Joanna10. MuliebrityOk, phew. That is exhausting.Now, in 10 years it will be March 2020. I'll be >ahem< years ol... Continue reading ...
Lostapalooza 3-3-10
Posted by Robin Haws on Wednesday, March 3, 2010,
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If you're new to Lostapalooza, welcome! Feel free to jump in the comment conversations and link up your own post. If you link up, grab the Lostapalooza button and link it back here or just grab the html. Now, on with the show!
Well, the new episode certainly did not disappoint! I was worried after th... Continue reading ...
Oh, the horror!
Posted by Robin Haws on Monday, March 1, 2010,
I'm proud to say that I'm a pretty good cook. My momma taught me well!She did. My stepmom raised us in a home where we always had a wonderful dinner every night, usually around the same time every day. Not that she ever really sat me down to say "this is how you cook" but, watching someone come up with different recipes (that she always called concoctions) and eating the yummy food every night really helped me to learn peripherally. Even the nights that she really took the night off from cook... Continue reading ...
Wild Things
Posted by Robin Haws on Monday, March 1, 2010,
Lions and Tigers and Bears!Um...Okay...Not quite.But,There were a couple of tigers at the zoo we visited this weekend!
So, how about...
Tigers and Foxes and Otters! Oh my!
On Saturday we decided to take an impromptu trip to my hometown. It's an hour away from where we live now and it's got a cute little zoo that I used to love when I was a kid. It's nice and small. Small enough to do the whole thing in 30 minutes if you want to. They've got some great exhibits and overall The Texas Zoo in Victor... Continue reading ...