Browsing Archive: December, 2010
Posted by Robin . on Thursday, December 30, 2010,
Of 2010, that is!Yes, my posting has been so sporadic lately that I am going to go ahead and assume that this will be the last one of 2010. But, what makes a good last post of the year? Resolutions? Wishes for the new year? Holiday Re-cap? Year in review?Well, I need to work out more, do more blogging, be happy with each day's productiveness, etc. And I wish for a cool phone and new computer and new camera....and some other things that aren't so self-centered.We did have a great Christmas. I ... Continue reading ...
To you and yours
Posted by Robin . on Thursday, December 23, 2010,
In :
Holiday Posts
Sorry for the sporadic posting lately. With Christmas t-minus 2 days and counting, relatives in from out of state (yay!), TRex out of school, etc; I've been decking the halls, hugging my loved ones, rockin' around the Christmas tree and all the rest of it. Hopefully, once the holiday is over and things start to return to some kind of semblance of normalcy, I'll be back to only my normal procrastinating on blog posts.Until then...from our family to you and yours...
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Dealing With Negativity
Posted by Robin . on Friday, December 17, 2010,
We've all had to deal with negative forces in our lives. I suppose that, how we deal with these things shows our true character. For a long time, I allowed the negativity to get me down. Misery definitely loves company but, negativity craves it. Joining the forces of negativity and allowing it to take over is sometimes hard to fight. It's an important fight though. Some people will never be happy for others. Some people will never have a positive word to say and will always revel in the downf... Continue reading ...
That's what I get
Posted by Robin . on Wednesday, December 15, 2010,
Things have been crazy busy around here for the last couple of months.Our photography business has kind of blown up and we've been busy with that. The holidays hit and all the insanity around decorating and cooking and card mailing and gift wrapping and all has engulfed our house. TRex seems to have homework (in Kindergarten!) every day. Snappy is a constant source of humor and a whirlwind of activity. 0007 just started a new job. It's insanity. It's all good but, still insane! And I'm left t... Continue reading ...
A year's worth of Facebook
Posted by Robin . on Sunday, December 12, 2010,
So, Facebook has a new app that puts together your status updates from the whole year. It was fun to look back and see what I had deemed "status worthy" throughout the year. Proud of the low number of complaints, high number of movie quotes, several more insightful items and a whole lot of "from the mouths of my children" funniness (uh, sure, it's a word).
This is pretty small and you can't really see it so, I wanted to share some of my faves here. So, now those of you who aren't Facebook fri... Continue reading ...
Let's get real...
Posted by Robin . on Thursday, December 9, 2010,
I've been blogging for a while now. Gosh, has it been two years? Longer? Wow. Anyway, in that time, I've reviewed a LOT of products. Some from tiny business and some from big companies. I have always been 100% honest in my reviews and have always stayed positive about the product. There have been very few things that I've been disappointed with from the beginning and those companies were told up front that the review, were it to run, would be less than favorable. Every positive review I've ev... Continue reading ...
May your days be merry and bright!
Posted by Robin . on Saturday, December 4, 2010,
In :
Are you beginning to see a theme here with these titles? Heck yeah, I'm in the Christmas spirit! Even though I'm insanely busy (yeah, that ol' gripe again) and feel like my head's going to spin off and the kids are going to give me a stroke and I'll never sleep again...aside from that stuff...I'm totally in the Christmas spirit!I really love Christmas.
I love the magic of it.
I love Santa and the reindeer and little one's wishing for zillions of toys.
I love decorations and the smells and the... Continue reading ...