Browsing Archive: August, 2010
I want my wastable time back!
Posted by Robin . on Friday, August 27, 2010,
What the whaaa??? It's Friday?!Where the hell did the week go? Seriously, it seems like just yesterday that my little boy was starting kindergarten. Yeah, it was only five days ago but, I can get nostalgic already. What happened to all this time I thought I would have when he started school? I don't have any time! I had glorious visions of being able to play on the computer all day with no kids fighting around me and interrupting me every five seconds. I imagined all this extra time for Snapp... Continue reading ...
A Whole New Kind of Monday
Posted by Robin . on Monday, August 23, 2010,
Well, my TRex is at school. *tear*He started kindergarten today.*sniff sniff*I thought I was prepared.*sob*I really didn't think I was going to cry. I thought he was ready. He's been saying he's excited but, when he got up this morning it was a different story. He was tearing up all morning. It's really hard for us all. He's been very clingy for the last three years. When he was about 2 1/2 I was working at a daycare. His class had just come in from the playground. I heard a girl from the inf... Continue reading ...
Wait. Get the camera.
Posted by Robin . on Friday, August 20, 2010,
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Phew. This week kinda flew by, eh? Snappy's bday Monday was capped off with ice cream and grandparents (and a few gifts we had managed to hold on to). She had a great time. I don't think she was expecting the little celebration because we had already had the party. In true Snappy form, when she was handed the first present to open she said, "Wait. Get the camera." That should be written on our family crest.Yesterday I had a photoshoot with the cutest little family. It was a blast. They own to... Continue reading ...
Three Years Ago
Posted by Robin . on Monday, August 16, 2010,
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Three years ago, I met my new best friend.
Three years ago, the playing field of our family got level.Three years ago, TRex became a big brother.
Three years ago, 0007 got wrapped around a pinkie for life.
Three years ago, hair bows and tutus invaded our life.
Three years ago, life got sweeter.
Three years ago, I had no idea how fast the next three years would pass.Three years ago, we were just greeting our Snappy.She's three today. And, our lives have been happier having her in them the last thre... Continue reading ...
Snappy's interesting week
Posted by Robin . on Friday, August 13, 2010,
Oy vey. This week seemed to be going really slow and then all of a sudden it's frackin' Thursday night and I've got a shit ton of stuff to do and I'm running out of time. We're going shopping tomorrow. Me and the heathens children. Keep me in your thoughts. We've got some school shopping to do. Yikes. It's only a week away and that is insane, yo! Six years in the making. Wow, how they've gone by. As Modest Mouse says, "The years go fast and the days go so slow." So very true. I cannot believe... Continue reading ...
Just a little 5QF before my weekend shindig...
Dude, I was aching for this week to hurry up and now it's Friday and I'm wondering where the week went. This Saturday is the big day. The TRex and Snappy Birthday Party Extravaganza. Well, maybe not "extravaganza". Definitely a shindig though. I think I've planned all I could possibly plan and have all my ducks, so to speak, in a row. Those bitches better stay lined up in that nice neat row though.I am not in any way shape or form looking forward to the two cakes I'll be making. Those of you ... Continue reading ...
WW - Look What I Did!
Yep, I'm pretty damn happy with it!
For more Wordless Wednesday, check out 5MinutesforMom. Continue reading ...
Heads Up, Peeps!
Posted by Robin . on Tuesday, August 3, 2010,
Just wanted to give y'all a heads up...the low down...the inside scoop...the skinny on a few things.If you don't already know, I have a Giveaway Page where several new giveaways start each week. The contests are for items ranging from women's stuff to kid stuff to household stuff and tons of stuff in between. In the coming weeks I'm going to be having some great giveaways for stuff I've deemed "Back to School" worthy. There's already a few running right now. So, while you are getting your but... Continue reading ...