Browsing Archive: March, 2009
Posted by Robin Haws on Monday, March 30, 2009,
Ok everyone, ready for another giveaway? This one is great! I've partnered with a cute little blog called Some of This and Some of That. They are hosting a Lollipops and Polka Dots giveaway! It is for a matching dress, bow and flip flop package! Check out their blog at sure and read all the different ways to sign up and get extra entries!
If you aren't already signed up for the mailing list then go ahead and do so. Not only will you get an extra entry bu...
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And the WINNER is....
Posted by Robin Haws on Saturday, March 28, 2009,
Theresa Morton! Congratulations Theresa! Be looking for an email from me to discuss the details of your win!
Thanks to everyone who entered the giveaway! I'm so happy with how it went. I promise more giveaways in the future so if you didn't win this one or you missed it, please come back again or sign up for the mailing list!
And now for the SECRET PRIZES! I've randomly picked two "runners up" who will each get a bow of their choice! The winners are...
Dawn -
- baby08ap... Continue reading ...
Spreading the love of Giveaways!!
Posted by Robin Haws on Friday, March 20, 2009,
Ok, ready for my first giveaway? Here we go...
I love giveaways so much so I figured it's about time to do my own. I'm going to be giving away a travel wipee case, diaper pouch and bib in the wonderfully popular Beatles "All You Need is Love" pattern. I've done 4 baby shower gift packages in this and they were all huge hits!
So, what can you do to win?
1. Leave me a comment on this posting about anything having to do with the shop or products through
this link
2. For two entries: sign up for th...
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Making old things new...
Posted by Robin Haws on Tuesday, March 17, 2009,
So, I've been really getting into redoing old things that I find. Furniture and whatnot. I'm pretty much a tightwad thanks to some very good training by my hubby and am finding I love the thrill I get when I find something cheap! I started by redoing a coffee table that I found at a rummage shop and it was the first thing that I really made "new". Recently, I recovered some old kid's chairs and am so super thrilled with the result!

And after...

Yay! They turned out so cu...
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Market Days and Goliad shops
Posted by Robin Haws on Tuesday, March 17, 2009,
Well, to begin with, Market Days was kind of a flump. (word from the Lukus dictionary) I sent out positive vibes all week long hoping that the weathermen would be wrong about the rain. I mean really, when are they right? Apparently they are right on the days that I have outdoor plans and they predict rain. It was cold. Really cold. The rain made it seem colder than any cold day we had this winter. My great friend Amanda went with me and I was so excited for her to have her first market days e...
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Gearing up!
Posted by Robin Haws on Wednesday, March 11, 2009,
Hey everyone! Well, the first Market Days of the year is upon us! Saturday I will be in Goliad, TX all day and am very excited. I'm a little worried about the weather but am keeping positive that it will be a nice day. What do those weathermen know anyway!?!
I've been working my bum off lately and have finally added all the new things to the website! I am now offering several different "lines" of products. I'm still loving all the one-of-a-kind things but thought it'd be nice to offer some ma...
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Diaper Cakes and More!
Posted by Robin Haws on Tuesday, March 3, 2009,
Hi everyone!
My sister-in-law's baby shower was this past weekend. It was great fun. I made my first diaper cake! It was so fun and turned out so well that I have decided to put them on the site! I'm excited to have yet another product to offer! For her shower, Lacy got the nursing pillow, baby blanket, bib and travel wipe case package. Big hit! Pictures to follow...
There are also some new pics in the "Travel Wipe Case" section of the Gifts and Gear tab so be sure and check those out! I'm get...
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My resolution...
Posted by Robin Haws on Monday, March 2, 2009,
Okay, so I really want to get better with keeping this blog updated! I need to make it part of my morning routine. So, I'll start today.
In Lollipops and Polka Dots news, things have been busy lately. I've added some "Crafty Moms" to my store and am thrilled! Sara is a wonderful mom in OK with a cutie patootie little girl. Sara's sippy cups and inserts are definitely a must have for the fashion forward tots! Hopefully I'll have mine in a week or so! She's very creative with all she does a...
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