Browsing Archive: July, 2009
Posted by Robin Haws on Thursday, July 30, 2009,
I cannot believe that 5 years ago today this wonderful person entered our lives. Our TRex has filled our days with laughter and joy. His crazy antics are a constant source of amazement and entertainment. From day one he has shown his persistence and determination. We are better people, better parents with him in our lives. I am forever thankful to be able to be the mom of this little boy.Our miracle baby...
Has "dragoned up"...
We Love You TRex! Continue reading ...
Back to School Bash
Hey everyone! Wanted to let you all know that I'm going to be sponsoring a lot of giveaways on other blogs in the coming months. I'll be telling you about all of them as they happen.
In the meantime, go check out Kelli over at 3 Boys and a Dog and sign up for her updates or follow her blog so you can keep up to date with her Back To School Bash in September! She'll have a giveaway everyday for the whole month and she's got some great sponsors! So, after you finish entering the giveaways here ... Continue reading ...
Movin on uh-up!
Well, the Uhaul will be here this evening.
Things are a little crazy.
The house is a wreck.
The kids are insane.
I've lost most control of cleaning and regulating what's going on.
A few days of relaxed rules never hurt, right? I've got so much to do. Seriously, I'm looking around and thinking it's never going to be done. I'm to the point of just throwing random crap into boxes with the intention of sorting it out upon unpacking. My nice organized packing lasted all of a few hours! How does on... Continue reading ...
Prayers for Stellan
Posted by Robin Haws on Monday, July 27, 2009,
In :
Not Me Monday
Stellan is doing much better! He's still not out of the woods and his doctors will probably operate, but he's hanging in there! Read MckMama's update on her blog!
In lieu of my normal Not Me Monday post, I just want to take a moment to say to everyone, whether you are a follower or friend of MckMama or not, please take a moment and pray, send a positive thought, an email, a blog comment or anything her way. Those of you who follow her blog will know that times are rough right now for sweet lit... Continue reading ...
A Thousand Words Thursday
Posted by Robin Haws on Thursday, July 23, 2009,
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For more ATWT fun check out The Mom Jen.I really love looking through all of the old pics on the computer for my Thursday posts! These are two of my all time faves of TRex and Snappy! Both taken about a year and a half ago.
Do you have an ATWT you want me to check out? Click on this posts title and scroll to the bottom for the comment box. Continue reading ...
Wordless Wednesday
My parents dancing at their 20th Anniversary Vow Renewal. Love this pic!
For more Wordless Wednesday fun check out
Baby Loving Mama,
5 Minutes for Mom and
7 Clown Circus!
Continue reading ...
Not Me Monday
Posted by Robin Haws on Sunday, July 19, 2009,
In :
Not Me Monday
So, MckMama has given us a fun new twist on these posts! Join everyone in celebrating the crazy things your kids did NOT do this past week! Check out My Charming Kids for all the Not Me Monday fun!My TRex did NOT prove once again that boxes are often more fun than the toys that came in them.
Snappy certainly did NOT fall asleep in her Snoogie Seat this afternoon because someone (not me) forgot naptime.
It's obvious that there was no fun to be had for TRex and Snappy at the bday party we attend... Continue reading ...
Contest from Cozy's Cuts for Kids and US Magazine
Posted by Robin Haws on Friday, July 17, 2009,
Keep up with the hottest hairstyles of “pint-sized” Hollywood.
Friedman, founder of So Cozy
products and Cozy’s Cuts for
Kids, says, “Kids nowadays are so style conscious. In fact, kids (and
parents) come into my salons everyday with pages torn out of magazines, asking
for styles that the children of celebrities are sporting. I consider this trend
part of what I call the ‘Mini
Metro’ phenomenon on, a new wave of youthful image consciousness in
which kids really want to look t... Continue reading ...
A Thousand Words Thursday
Posted by Robin Haws on Thursday, July 16, 2009,
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Because we all have pictures worth more than that.
Check out The Mom Jen for more ATWT fun! Do you have an ATWT to share? Leave a comment with a link!I've been surfing through tons of old photos for my ATWT posts. So much fun! I came across this. Hubby and I were messing with the camera one night a couple of years ago and this happened...
I've always thought it was pretty cool. I think it tells a story. We've been meaning to try and do this again. Continue reading ...
Wordless Wednesday
Wordless WednesdayTrampoline Fun
Their hands and feet were totally black afterwards but they had so much fun!For more Wordless Wednesday fun check out Baby Loving Mama and Five Minutes for Mom.
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Not Me Monday
Posted by Robin Haws on Monday, July 13, 2009,
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Not Me Monday
Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.I did NOT receive the most exciting news this weekend. That unreceived news is NOT that the press release for something I recently participated in was out and available to the public.
I most certainly did NOT frantically and joyfully update my website and spread the word that Sarah Jessica Parker's twins have been gifted with tons ... Continue reading ...
SJP's Twins Get Gifted by Lollipops and Polka Dots!
Lollipops and Polka Dots congratulates Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick on the recent additions to their family! In association with Baby Swags, Lollipops and Polka Dots boutique merchandise was sent to SJP and family to celebrate the new little cuties! SJP's twins will definitely be some stylish kids! And with Flower Fancies and Kutie Klips they'll always have cute hair accessories! The girls and their brother will have so much fun while playing with their Persnickety Pelican Aardv... Continue reading ...
Fun Friday
Posted by Robin Haws on Friday, July 10, 2009,
Yay! It's Friday! I've got several fun things happening in the Lolidots neck of the woods!
There's a great giveaway from Dulce Nina Vintage on our Giveaways page! Click over and check it out!Give Away Today is hosting a Lollipops and Polka Dots Giveaway!!! Head over to their blog and enter to win a pair of our boutique flip flops and 2 hair bows!I had a blast doing the photoshoot for the Dulce Nina Review and Giveaway! Here's a few photos. Our primary photographer, Bro's Grafix, does such amaz... Continue reading ...
A Thousand Words Thursday
Posted by Robin Haws on Thursday, July 9, 2009,
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On Thursday I post pictures that, to me, are worth more than "a thousand words" For more fun with ATWT, check out The Mom Jen!This picture was taken a few years ago by my talented hubby. We were at a high school baseball game. I love this shot. I love how it captures exactly what is going on. You don't even need to see the rest of the field to imagine the game!
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Passive-Agressive Notes
Today's installment of Passive-Agressive Notes is...
Dear Nigerian Princess/Lawyer for the Deceased/Euromillion Lottery/et al.,I'm thrilled you've selected me to inherit your millions! I feel like the luckiest girl alive! Just yesterday a Prince left me as his benefactor and today I'm winning 500,000 Euros? What's that? Oh, you need my bank account info? Why? Oh, to wire the money? That makes perfect sense!! And it's nice to read that note at the bottom that claims the money is free from laund... Continue reading ...
Wordless Wednesday
This pic of my grandfather and my son was taken a couple of years ago. It's one of those pictures that I am so thankful my hubby snapped. I've got it framed in my house. To me, it's priceless.
For more Wordless Wednesday check out Baby Loving Mama, 5 Minutes For Mom and 7 Clown Circus. Continue reading ...
Toot Your Horn Tuesday!
We all need a little horn tooting sometimes! Here's the chance to show something off! What's the nicest thing you did this week? What's the best compliment you've gotten recently? What's the cutest thing you've made lately? Shout it from the rooftops. Toot your horn and take pride in yourself! Want to join in the fun? Grab the button and give us a shout out with a link back.
Then, Toot away!Leave a comment in this post with your blog link so everyone can check out your accomplishments!So, her... Continue reading ...
Not Me Monday
Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.Ahhh, time for another Not Me Monday post!I am NOT currently watching Teen Wolf 2. That would be ridiculous. I have so not gotten completely addicted to the community forums at Etsy. I do not post there nonstop at night when I'm NOT up way too late. It was certainly NOT ME that went against everything I've tried to teach my son ab... Continue reading ...
Happy 4th of July!
As much as I'd love to get deep and wax philosophical on the beginnings of America and patriotic duties...I'd like more to just remind everyone that no matter your political affiliations, religious convictions, social status or lack of those...remember who is responsible for you to be FREE to have those beliefs, opinions and labels. Yes, the men who wrote the Declaration of Independence should be remembered, but I'm talking about the men and women who still to this day fight for our freedoms.... Continue reading ...
Wordless Wednesday
TRex firsts...

First time at the carnival.

First time at the beach.
For more Wordless Wednesday fun head over to and
Don't forget to check out our Giveaways page! We've got a great one from Z. Daisy! Continue reading ...