All the makings of an awesome weekend...
Posted by Robin Haws on Monday, March 15, 2010
Helloooooooooooooo, Flip Flops!

Can I get a witness?
Oh, it was such a gorgeous weekend!
Obviously, it was nice enough for the flip flops to come flying out. I think I wore 6 different pair this weekend, I was so excited to wear them.
Tank tops, bathing suits, sunglasses, beach towels and barefeet...
they all got some play this weekend.

The weekend started with some haircut action.
Both the kids got in the Daddy barber chair and got a much needed trim. Snappy wound up with her first actual "hairstyle" and first set of bangs.

Saturday was a gorgeous day.
We had a baptism to attend. Hubby was asked to photograph the event for his cousin.
Love when hubby can snap some pics of my kiddos and me.

The lunch after the (thankfully) short service was scrumptious. Hubby's cousin always has the yummiest meals at her get togethers.
The kids had a blast!
We've gotta get a few of these.

Though, she needed a little help.

And, she demanded a little help.

TRex kept a look out for trouble.

Hubby got some amazing pics.

And, caught me taking a few.

Because somebody has to capture the utter coolness that I get to live with.

After the fun morning, we headed home to nap play some more.
No, I didn't take a nap. That's crazy talk. I was trying to get Snappy to take a nap. That's why my eyes were closed. I never nap when I have so much stuff to do around the house.
The sun was out, the temperature was perfect so,
Daddy filled up the pool for the chilrenz.
First time in the pool this year. Always a little chilly the first time but, they had a blast.

And, then they had time out.

And more fun!

Yes, the time change completely messed me up. What a cruel joke.
All in all though, the weekend was a sunny success!
Hope y'all had a wonderful one as well!
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