5QF - Procrastination, baseball and fireworks
Posted by Robin . on Friday, July 2, 2010
Under: 5 Question Friday
I'm being such a procrastinating, lazy arse today. Seriously, I am forcing myself to do this post and cannot pressure myself enough to vlog it. My procrastination has compromised into the form of a written blog post.
Good news is that I didn't blow to Oz. The weather is still crummy and I'm still ever so slightly on edge but, the worst seems to have passed and I'm hoping that was the last hurricane in history. Don't burst my bubble. A girl can dream. I do have to say thank you to all my bloggy and blogfroggy friends because the support y'all gave me through my irrational phobia breakdown was awesome! Thanks to all the peeps who offered their kind words and the much needed distractions for me!
So, what's a gal to do on a gloomy and lazy Friday afternoon? Why, Mama M's Five Question Friday of course! Just the best little Friday Meme around. Fo sho!
If you don't know what 5QF is, check out Mama M's blog and play along! Today's questions are....
1. What is one thing you miss the most about childhood?
Lack of responsibility. Being able to be more egocentric. Those days passed so quickly. When I was young, all I wanted was to be older. Now, I wish I had cherished those carefree days a lot more!
2. Are you still friends with your friends from high school?
Some, not all. Thanks to Facebook, I've reconnected with many of them but, don't live near them. There are some high school friends that I know if we lived near each other we'd probably be as close, if not closer, as we were in high school.
3. Is there a catch phrase, cliche, or word that just drives you bonkers every time you hear it?
"Awww Mom!" in the worst whine you can imagine. Yep, that phrase pretty much drives me crazy.
I really really really really really (you get the idea) HATE when people misuse the phrase "I couldn't care less". So many people say "I could care less" and it drives me up the frackin' wall!
4. What is one thing that you think symbolizes America...besides "Old Glory"?
Baseball. I don't know why but, when I see people playing baseball it's just about the most "American" thing for me. Especially kids playing baseball. Love it. We just watched The Sandlot with TRex for the first time the other day. The scene in that movie where they play the nighttime game under the Fourth of July fireworks totally gets me every time. And I just love movies like A League of Their Own. Baseball players singing the National Anthem followed by "Play Ball!"....ahhhh, add a slice of apple pie and you're in a Norman Rockwell painting. Speaking of....I guess Norman Rockwell paintings symbolize all things American for me too!

5. What are your 4th of July weekend plans?
Nada. 0007 just found out he has to work tomorrow. I'm not sure how soggy things will be this weekend since we are expecting more rain. He'll be home for Sunday and Monday but, we have zero plans. Maybe work around the house and if it dries out then the yard will definitely need to be mowed! Even if we do nothing else, I'm sure we'll hit the local fireworks stand and pop some off in the driveway like we did for NYE. Supah fun!

I hope all of you have an amazing holiday weekend full of fun, food, family, friends and fireworks!
Good news is that I didn't blow to Oz. The weather is still crummy and I'm still ever so slightly on edge but, the worst seems to have passed and I'm hoping that was the last hurricane in history. Don't burst my bubble. A girl can dream. I do have to say thank you to all my bloggy and blogfroggy friends because the support y'all gave me through my irrational phobia breakdown was awesome! Thanks to all the peeps who offered their kind words and the much needed distractions for me!
So, what's a gal to do on a gloomy and lazy Friday afternoon? Why, Mama M's Five Question Friday of course! Just the best little Friday Meme around. Fo sho!
If you don't know what 5QF is, check out Mama M's blog and play along! Today's questions are....
1. What is one thing you miss the most about childhood?
Lack of responsibility. Being able to be more egocentric. Those days passed so quickly. When I was young, all I wanted was to be older. Now, I wish I had cherished those carefree days a lot more!
2. Are you still friends with your friends from high school?
Some, not all. Thanks to Facebook, I've reconnected with many of them but, don't live near them. There are some high school friends that I know if we lived near each other we'd probably be as close, if not closer, as we were in high school.
3. Is there a catch phrase, cliche, or word that just drives you bonkers every time you hear it?
"Awww Mom!" in the worst whine you can imagine. Yep, that phrase pretty much drives me crazy.
I really really really really really (you get the idea) HATE when people misuse the phrase "I couldn't care less". So many people say "I could care less" and it drives me up the frackin' wall!
4. What is one thing that you think symbolizes America...besides "Old Glory"?
Baseball. I don't know why but, when I see people playing baseball it's just about the most "American" thing for me. Especially kids playing baseball. Love it. We just watched The Sandlot with TRex for the first time the other day. The scene in that movie where they play the nighttime game under the Fourth of July fireworks totally gets me every time. And I just love movies like A League of Their Own. Baseball players singing the National Anthem followed by "Play Ball!"....ahhhh, add a slice of apple pie and you're in a Norman Rockwell painting. Speaking of....I guess Norman Rockwell paintings symbolize all things American for me too!

5. What are your 4th of July weekend plans?
Nada. 0007 just found out he has to work tomorrow. I'm not sure how soggy things will be this weekend since we are expecting more rain. He'll be home for Sunday and Monday but, we have zero plans. Maybe work around the house and if it dries out then the yard will definitely need to be mowed! Even if we do nothing else, I'm sure we'll hit the local fireworks stand and pop some off in the driveway like we did for NYE. Supah fun!

I hope all of you have an amazing holiday weekend full of fun, food, family, friends and fireworks!
In : 5 Question Friday
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