5QF - I heart the 80s
Posted by Robin . on Friday, July 9, 2010
Under: 5 Question Friday
Wow. So, I didn't really realize that it was Friday until just a few minutes ago. This week went by supah fast!
First, I'd like to pat myself on the back because after totally losing my shit during the storms last week, I remained cool-calm-collected (or crazy-sexy-cool for you TLC fans) during the thunderstorms we had yesterday and last night. Yay me! Yes, I am congratulating myself on being "normal" and not freaking out when it's raining.
Now, ladies and gentlemen, I'm not sure I can express how flippin' excited I am for tomorrow. What's tomorrow? Uh, the Texas Blog Party! Duh! I am excited and so nervous. I know it's going to be crazy fun but, I'm definitely a teensy bit nervous. I'm glad it's starting small for the first year and I'm already looking forward to having it again next year! Don't worry, there will be picture overload afterward!
So, while I wait for tomorrow to get here (ever so patiently because that's totally how I roll), let's dive into the best little Friday meme around. (or blog hop, if you prefer. I prefer "meme" because for some whacky reason Mama M has an aversion to the word) That's right folks, time for 5 Question Friday with Mama M! Head over to her blog to check it out.
Today's questions....
1. What is one food you could eat everyday?
Chips and dip. Oh drool. I had to give it up actually because I was eating it every day and it was no bueno for my weight. I love me some chips and dip.
2. Are you working in the career you thought you would be when you were 18?
I always wanted to be a stay at home mom so, I guess I am in the career I thought I'd be in. I don't know if, at 18, I was specifically thinking about what I'd be doing at 30 because I'm horrible at looking into the future but, I definitely always and forever had the dream to be a stay at home mom.
3. What is something that you wish you would have done when you were younger and you didn't?
Finish college. Honestly, more for the experience than anything else. Sure, I had plenty of experiences and I did a ton of stuff that I don't have to sit around wishing I had done but, I wish that drive to go to college had been in me back then. I went for a semester or two and only half-assed it. It's not something I regret and pine over but, I do wish I'd have completed it.
4. What color are your kitchen walls?
Wood. Blah. I haven't started painting the kitchen, dining room or living room yet. I'm fairly certain that I'm settled completely on what color they will be but, I will not be sharing the info until I have before and after pics. Yes, the renovations around here are taking eleventybillion years. So what! Who cares? Eh, really though, I assume we'll have things a little more completed around here by the end of the year. Don't laugh! That's only 6 months away! 6 months is like 3 days to a procrastinator! So, I say 6 months and it's like saying "Oh we'll have it done by the weekend".
5. Do you remember what your very first favorite song was?
Hmmmmm. Good question. I'm racking my brain, searching my horrible memory and I'm coming up with a few. I can't be certain but, these are some of the earliest songs I can remember being in love with and hearing all the time. (Ready for video overload? You know you love it.)
Sweet Dreams by Annie Lennox - I was just telling 0007 the other day how much this song brings back memories from my early childhood.
Flowers on the Wall by The Statler Brothers
Forever and Ever, Amen by Randy Travis - This is the first country song I can really remember loving and knowing the words to.
Or something by Madonna, Cher, Prince or Meatloaf I'm sure!

Alright dudes and dudettes, that's it for 5 Question Friday. I've got a ton of crap to do today in preparation for the big partay! If you haven't signed up to come to it, no worries, you can totally join us! Check it out HERE, email me (robin@lolidots.com) or just show up! Whatever your plans this weekend, have fun and be safe! I'll see you crazy kids in a couple of days with pics from the party! Ciao!
First, I'd like to pat myself on the back because after totally losing my shit during the storms last week, I remained cool-calm-collected (or crazy-sexy-cool for you TLC fans) during the thunderstorms we had yesterday and last night. Yay me! Yes, I am congratulating myself on being "normal" and not freaking out when it's raining.
Now, ladies and gentlemen, I'm not sure I can express how flippin' excited I am for tomorrow. What's tomorrow? Uh, the Texas Blog Party! Duh! I am excited and so nervous. I know it's going to be crazy fun but, I'm definitely a teensy bit nervous. I'm glad it's starting small for the first year and I'm already looking forward to having it again next year! Don't worry, there will be picture overload afterward!
So, while I wait for tomorrow to get here (ever so patiently because that's totally how I roll), let's dive into the best little Friday meme around. (or blog hop, if you prefer. I prefer "meme" because for some whacky reason Mama M has an aversion to the word) That's right folks, time for 5 Question Friday with Mama M! Head over to her blog to check it out.
Today's questions....
1. What is one food you could eat everyday?
Chips and dip. Oh drool. I had to give it up actually because I was eating it every day and it was no bueno for my weight. I love me some chips and dip.
2. Are you working in the career you thought you would be when you were 18?
I always wanted to be a stay at home mom so, I guess I am in the career I thought I'd be in. I don't know if, at 18, I was specifically thinking about what I'd be doing at 30 because I'm horrible at looking into the future but, I definitely always and forever had the dream to be a stay at home mom.
3. What is something that you wish you would have done when you were younger and you didn't?
Finish college. Honestly, more for the experience than anything else. Sure, I had plenty of experiences and I did a ton of stuff that I don't have to sit around wishing I had done but, I wish that drive to go to college had been in me back then. I went for a semester or two and only half-assed it. It's not something I regret and pine over but, I do wish I'd have completed it.
4. What color are your kitchen walls?
Wood. Blah. I haven't started painting the kitchen, dining room or living room yet. I'm fairly certain that I'm settled completely on what color they will be but, I will not be sharing the info until I have before and after pics. Yes, the renovations around here are taking eleventybillion years. So what! Who cares? Eh, really though, I assume we'll have things a little more completed around here by the end of the year. Don't laugh! That's only 6 months away! 6 months is like 3 days to a procrastinator! So, I say 6 months and it's like saying "Oh we'll have it done by the weekend".
5. Do you remember what your very first favorite song was?
Hmmmmm. Good question. I'm racking my brain, searching my horrible memory and I'm coming up with a few. I can't be certain but, these are some of the earliest songs I can remember being in love with and hearing all the time. (Ready for video overload? You know you love it.)
Sweet Dreams by Annie Lennox - I was just telling 0007 the other day how much this song brings back memories from my early childhood.
Flowers on the Wall by The Statler Brothers
Forever and Ever, Amen by Randy Travis - This is the first country song I can really remember loving and knowing the words to.
Or something by Madonna, Cher, Prince or Meatloaf I'm sure!

Alright dudes and dudettes, that's it for 5 Question Friday. I've got a ton of crap to do today in preparation for the big partay! If you haven't signed up to come to it, no worries, you can totally join us! Check it out HERE, email me (robin@lolidots.com) or just show up! Whatever your plans this weekend, have fun and be safe! I'll see you crazy kids in a couple of days with pics from the party! Ciao!
In : 5 Question Friday
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