5QF - Dust, lame scars and mixed food
Posted by Robin . on Friday, July 16, 2010
Under: 5 Question Friday
How's that title randomness? You like that, dontcha?
Pretty damn happy it's Friday. This week really felt like it was taking for-ev-ah.
So, what did I do and not do this week? Well, lemme tell ya.
I did a lot of wishin' and hopin' and hopin' and wishin' for my good friend over at Single, Infertile Female. Lots of positive energy goin' out her way as she rounds third base to slide into motherhood.
I did not get any tanning done. Boo. If anyone feels bad for me they can come mow my grass and spray for mosquitoes so that I can resume the tanning. Tick tock, people! Summer is fleeting.
I did watch almost two whole seasons of Veronica Mars. Seriously, where has this show been all my life? Because of that, I did not do much of anything else.
I did not do much in the way of what some might call "heavy cleaning" but, as usual, I did rearrange the living room again. Yes, I have a problem. If there are weekly meetings for Rearrangers Anonymous, sign me up.
If anyone wants to fix my computer after mowing the lawn, that would be fanfreakintastic. She is running pretty damn slow these days. I'm givin' her all she's got, Captain! Yeah, I'm about to pull out my ever-lovin' hair over this shit. I have no idea what happened but, I do know that it is NOT my internet connection and most certainly is something with the computer itself. So, Dell, if you're reading, you can just go ahead and send over a new one. Thanks.
It is Friday and that generally means that I'm gonna be linking my happy butt up with Mama M over at My Little Life for her glorious MEME (just for you Mama) 5 Question Friday! Check her out, link up your post, buy me a new computer, whatev. (It was worth a try?)
So, let's get down to bizness, yo.
Today's Questions...
1. Do you collect anything?
Dust on my picture frames. And, I'm really good at it.
0007 and I collect shot glasses. We don't drink but, it makes an easy gift for our friends and family who actually get to go on vacations. We can stare at the shot glasses and pretend it was us. Ahhh, pretend vacays. Lifestyles of the middle class and boring.
I used to collect frogs. I do have a collection of Willow Tree Angels but, no one has gotten me any in a while. <hint>
2. Name 3 celebrities that you find good looking.
Can do.

Taylor Kitsch

Rob Thomas

3. Do you have any scars? If so, what's the story behind it (them?)?
I have a small scar on my left outer knee from one of the first times I shaved. I have a barely visible scar on the top of my right hand from an iron falling on it the first time I ironed. I have a c-section scar and an appendectomy scar. (self explanatory?) 0007 is the one with cool scars and good stories.
4. What is a food that you like to eat, but others might think it's gross or weird?
Hmmmm. I don't really know. I mix food and some people think that's gross. Mashed potatoes and corn, rice and beans, mix 'em up! I like raw potatoes. French fries in ice cream and chicken nuggets in honey, oh yum!
5. Have you ever seen a tornado in real life?
What the hell, dude? I cannot freakin' escape the tornado talk! No, I haven't ever seen one but, that doesn't stop me from freaking out about them!
Alrighty then. That's today's 5QF. I'm looking forward to this weekend and hoping to stay on task and feel fully accomplished by Sunday night. We shall see!
Hope you all have a kickin' weekend!
Pretty damn happy it's Friday. This week really felt like it was taking for-ev-ah.
So, what did I do and not do this week? Well, lemme tell ya.
I did a lot of wishin' and hopin' and hopin' and wishin' for my good friend over at Single, Infertile Female. Lots of positive energy goin' out her way as she rounds third base to slide into motherhood.
I did not get any tanning done. Boo. If anyone feels bad for me they can come mow my grass and spray for mosquitoes so that I can resume the tanning. Tick tock, people! Summer is fleeting.
I did watch almost two whole seasons of Veronica Mars. Seriously, where has this show been all my life? Because of that, I did not do much of anything else.
I did not do much in the way of what some might call "heavy cleaning" but, as usual, I did rearrange the living room again. Yes, I have a problem. If there are weekly meetings for Rearrangers Anonymous, sign me up.
If anyone wants to fix my computer after mowing the lawn, that would be fanfreakintastic. She is running pretty damn slow these days. I'm givin' her all she's got, Captain! Yeah, I'm about to pull out my ever-lovin' hair over this shit. I have no idea what happened but, I do know that it is NOT my internet connection and most certainly is something with the computer itself. So, Dell, if you're reading, you can just go ahead and send over a new one. Thanks.
It is Friday and that generally means that I'm gonna be linking my happy butt up with Mama M over at My Little Life for her glorious MEME (just for you Mama) 5 Question Friday! Check her out, link up your post, buy me a new computer, whatev. (It was worth a try?)
So, let's get down to bizness, yo.
Today's Questions...
1. Do you collect anything?
Dust on my picture frames. And, I'm really good at it.
0007 and I collect shot glasses. We don't drink but, it makes an easy gift for our friends and family who actually get to go on vacations. We can stare at the shot glasses and pretend it was us. Ahhh, pretend vacays. Lifestyles of the middle class and boring.
I used to collect frogs. I do have a collection of Willow Tree Angels but, no one has gotten me any in a while. <hint>
2. Name 3 celebrities that you find good looking.
Can do.

Taylor Kitsch

Rob Thomas

3. Do you have any scars? If so, what's the story behind it (them?)?
I have a small scar on my left outer knee from one of the first times I shaved. I have a barely visible scar on the top of my right hand from an iron falling on it the first time I ironed. I have a c-section scar and an appendectomy scar. (self explanatory?) 0007 is the one with cool scars and good stories.
4. What is a food that you like to eat, but others might think it's gross or weird?
Hmmmm. I don't really know. I mix food and some people think that's gross. Mashed potatoes and corn, rice and beans, mix 'em up! I like raw potatoes. French fries in ice cream and chicken nuggets in honey, oh yum!
5. Have you ever seen a tornado in real life?
What the hell, dude? I cannot freakin' escape the tornado talk! No, I haven't ever seen one but, that doesn't stop me from freaking out about them!
Alrighty then. That's today's 5QF. I'm looking forward to this weekend and hoping to stay on task and feel fully accomplished by Sunday night. We shall see!
Hope you all have a kickin' weekend!
In : 5 Question Friday
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