5 Question Friday
Posted by Robin Haws on Friday, February 12, 2010
Hey y'all! It's Friday again!
Before we start the meme, I want to tell you/remind you that through the rest of the weekend there is a giveaway going on over at Belli's Place. If you've never checked out Amanda's blog, you've got to right now! She's an amazing woman with a gorgeous little girl and the blog is the journey they are on living with Larsen's Syndrome. The blog is uplifting and Belli's smiling face is always heartwarming. Amanda is running a giveaway to benefit The Bell Center, which is where Belli gets most of her treatments. I've donated some things from the Lolidots Boutique and they've been put into the prize with some other fabulous items. All it takes is a $1 donation to The Bell Center to get entered into the giveaway for a very cool prize package! Even if you don't care to win, wouldn't it feel great to donate? Head over to Amanda's blog and check it out!
Now, on with the Mama M-ness of the day! Ready for 5 Question Friday? I am! Mama M. started this carnival so, head over to her blog and play along!

Today's questions:
1. What is the one thing your love does for you that you can't live without?
2. When did you know your love was "the one"?
3. Does your love have a special ringtone on your cell?
4. What are you attracted to most in your special someone?
5. Did you know when/where he/she was going to pop the big question?
1. What is the one thing your love does for you that you can't live without?
He works really hard and long hours to ensure that I can stay home with our kids. It means so much to me how he provides for our family and how important it is to him to allow me to stay home. And, he loves me! I couldn't live without that!
2. When did you know your love was "the one"?
In retrospect, I'm sure I knew it from the moment we met. I wasn't very in tune with things back then but, when I think about the moment we met, I can't imagine that I wouldn't have known right then.
3. Does your love have a special ringtone on your cell?
He does. On my old phone it was a Matchbox Twenty song and on my new phone it's Walk the Line.
4. What are you attracted to most in your special someone?
Everything. Really. Physically, I love his upper back, his arms, his graying hair, his hands, his chest, everything. I'm attracted to the way he stands up for what he believes in and the way he protects his family. I'm attracted to his sense of humor and his work ethic. I'm attracted to his man's man ways and Mr. Fixit abilities. Everything. Really.
5. Did you know when/where he/she was going to pop the big question?
Actually, no. He surprised me. Completely unromantic but, the fact that the was saying "let's get married" was all I cared about.
So, that's it! My normally unromantic hubby is taking me out on a date tonight. A date that he planned the babysitter for all by himself! I had no clue! I'm floored, flabbergasted and excited!
Have a great weekend and a great Valentime's Day (yes, I know. That's how we say it in our house)
Before we start the meme, I want to tell you/remind you that through the rest of the weekend there is a giveaway going on over at Belli's Place. If you've never checked out Amanda's blog, you've got to right now! She's an amazing woman with a gorgeous little girl and the blog is the journey they are on living with Larsen's Syndrome. The blog is uplifting and Belli's smiling face is always heartwarming. Amanda is running a giveaway to benefit The Bell Center, which is where Belli gets most of her treatments. I've donated some things from the Lolidots Boutique and they've been put into the prize with some other fabulous items. All it takes is a $1 donation to The Bell Center to get entered into the giveaway for a very cool prize package! Even if you don't care to win, wouldn't it feel great to donate? Head over to Amanda's blog and check it out!
Now, on with the Mama M-ness of the day! Ready for 5 Question Friday? I am! Mama M. started this carnival so, head over to her blog and play along!

Today's questions:
1. What is the one thing your love does for you that you can't live without?
2. When did you know your love was "the one"?
3. Does your love have a special ringtone on your cell?
4. What are you attracted to most in your special someone?
5. Did you know when/where he/she was going to pop the big question?
1. What is the one thing your love does for you that you can't live without?
He works really hard and long hours to ensure that I can stay home with our kids. It means so much to me how he provides for our family and how important it is to him to allow me to stay home. And, he loves me! I couldn't live without that!
2. When did you know your love was "the one"?
In retrospect, I'm sure I knew it from the moment we met. I wasn't very in tune with things back then but, when I think about the moment we met, I can't imagine that I wouldn't have known right then.
3. Does your love have a special ringtone on your cell?
He does. On my old phone it was a Matchbox Twenty song and on my new phone it's Walk the Line.
4. What are you attracted to most in your special someone?
Everything. Really. Physically, I love his upper back, his arms, his graying hair, his hands, his chest, everything. I'm attracted to the way he stands up for what he believes in and the way he protects his family. I'm attracted to his sense of humor and his work ethic. I'm attracted to his man's man ways and Mr. Fixit abilities. Everything. Really.
5. Did you know when/where he/she was going to pop the big question?
Actually, no. He surprised me. Completely unromantic but, the fact that the was saying "let's get married" was all I cared about.
So, that's it! My normally unromantic hubby is taking me out on a date tonight. A date that he planned the babysitter for all by himself! I had no clue! I'm floored, flabbergasted and excited!
Have a great weekend and a great Valentime's Day (yes, I know. That's how we say it in our house)
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