Go! Go! Sports Girls Dolls GIVEAWAY CLOSED
Posted by Robin . on Saturday, December 4, 2010
Under: Toys
My daughter is 3 and she's really getting into dolls lately. By that I mean that she's actually playing with them and interacting with them instead of them just being in a pile in her room. She's differentiating between the dolls and starting to get her preferences. She has a new doll that she absolutely loves and, not only do I love the doll but, I adore the message the company is sending to young girls.
Go! Go! Sports Girls dolls promote a healthy lifestyle and going for your dreams. Really, in this era of not-so-great role models for young women, something like this is a breath of fresh air.

There are several different Go! Go! Sports Girls to choose from. Whether the little girl is in love with tennis, dreams of being a ballerina, likes to swim, play basketball, golf, soccer, softball or track, there is a doll for her. Each doll has it's own unique personality and little girls can get to know their dolls and be inspired by their message. Promoting healthy eating and fun exercise while dreaming big and going for their dreams is something every little girl should be told. For that message to come in such a cute and fun package is really fantastic.

The Go! Go! Sports Girls Dolls have been featured on The Today Show, in Shape and Self Magazine, in Parenting Magazine and all over the internet. People are falling in love with the sweet characters and the positivity geared towards little girls.

At my daughter's young age, she definitely loves the doll but, I love that she's already being exposed to such positive and uplifting thoughts. She likes to look at the other girls on the Go! Go! Sports Girls website and hear all about them and she's already planning on "asking Santa" for more of these cute dolls. The self-esteem and healthy life skills that these dolls promote is invaluable. I love that they are geared towards ALL girls 3-12 years of age. They are innocent and do not promote an overly mature image like so many other things geared towards little girls these days. I love that they are soft and safe for my young girl but, still wonderful for an older girl. Two of my nieces are very active tweens and I know they'd love these dolls. To have a cute little doll that is themed with the sport that you love is so much fun for a little girl.

This holiday season, Go! Go! Sports Girls Dolls are absolutely on my Holiday Gift Guide as a perfect gift for a young to preteen girl. They are affordable and really high quality little dolls that will put a smile on a little girl's face and help cultivate positivity and dreams. Love it!
Buy it!
You can get links to buy the Go! Go! Sports Girls Dolls online HERE from places like Amazon.com and Sports Unlimited. Plus, be sure to look for them at places like Sears and Kohls!
Win it!
One reader will win their choice of Go! Go! Sports Girls Doll!
US only
ends 12/13
Mandatory to Enter: Visit Go! Go! Sports Girls and tell me which doll you'd pick if you win.
Extra Entries: Please leave a separate comment for each entry.
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Go! Go! Sports Girls dolls promote a healthy lifestyle and going for your dreams. Really, in this era of not-so-great role models for young women, something like this is a breath of fresh air.

There are several different Go! Go! Sports Girls to choose from. Whether the little girl is in love with tennis, dreams of being a ballerina, likes to swim, play basketball, golf, soccer, softball or track, there is a doll for her. Each doll has it's own unique personality and little girls can get to know their dolls and be inspired by their message. Promoting healthy eating and fun exercise while dreaming big and going for their dreams is something every little girl should be told. For that message to come in such a cute and fun package is really fantastic.

The Go! Go! Sports Girls Dolls have been featured on The Today Show, in Shape and Self Magazine, in Parenting Magazine and all over the internet. People are falling in love with the sweet characters and the positivity geared towards little girls.

At my daughter's young age, she definitely loves the doll but, I love that she's already being exposed to such positive and uplifting thoughts. She likes to look at the other girls on the Go! Go! Sports Girls website and hear all about them and she's already planning on "asking Santa" for more of these cute dolls. The self-esteem and healthy life skills that these dolls promote is invaluable. I love that they are geared towards ALL girls 3-12 years of age. They are innocent and do not promote an overly mature image like so many other things geared towards little girls these days. I love that they are soft and safe for my young girl but, still wonderful for an older girl. Two of my nieces are very active tweens and I know they'd love these dolls. To have a cute little doll that is themed with the sport that you love is so much fun for a little girl.

This holiday season, Go! Go! Sports Girls Dolls are absolutely on my Holiday Gift Guide as a perfect gift for a young to preteen girl. They are affordable and really high quality little dolls that will put a smile on a little girl's face and help cultivate positivity and dreams. Love it!
Buy it!
You can get links to buy the Go! Go! Sports Girls Dolls online HERE from places like Amazon.com and Sports Unlimited. Plus, be sure to look for them at places like Sears and Kohls!
Win it!
One reader will win their choice of Go! Go! Sports Girls Doll!
US only
ends 12/13
Mandatory to Enter: Visit Go! Go! Sports Girls and tell me which doll you'd pick if you win.
Extra Entries: Please leave a separate comment for each entry.
- Like Go! Go! Sports Girls on Facebook
All other extra entries are on the upper left sidebar. You may do any or all of them.
In : Toys
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