One reader will win a 3 month supply of contacts!

I remember Christmas when I was twelve. That was the year that my parents made me a big poster sized coupon for my first pair of contacts. Fast forward to <ahem> a certain number of years later, I'm now buying my own contacts. It can be a pain, especially with two small children, to go shopping for things like contacts. Because it's something that is pretty much a necessity in my life, it's wonderful when a company can make things so much more convenient for me. Coastal Contacts is an online store for contacts and glasses that certainly has made my life easier recently.

Coastal Contacts makes it incredibly easy to get your contacts or glasses. I loved how simple it was to enter my info, pick my contacts and even get my prescription verified almost instantly. Within two days, my contacts were in my mailbox. I was really shocked at how quickly they arrived. I was also very pleasantly surprised to find that in my box of contacts was a contact case and a cute pair of sunglasses. As a contact wearer, I love to have extra cases for them.

The prices at Coastal Contacts are completely reasonable, affordable and comporable to other places I've bought mine from. With super low shipping and free shipping on orders over a certain amount, it's pretty much cheaper than driving somewhere to get your contacts or glasses.

From here on, I honestly will be buying my contacts from Coastal Contacts. There's no reason for me to buy anywhere else and I highly recommend that contact wearers check this site out.

Coastal Contacts wants to give one of my readers a 3 month supply of contacts! That's a value of up to $150!!

*must have a valid prescription for contacts.
US and Canada only
Ends 1/4/10

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